
What is a good communication layer for both Java and C#?

I would like my newer C# 2.0 application to talk to my older Java 1.4 application (can't change versions, sorry). What are my options? I think that using shared memory would give me better performance, but on the other hand, if I use a network protocol then the architecture would be more flexible. So I'm looking to weigh up both options...

Best approach for user to user audio communication

For one of my projects I need users to be able to communicate with each other in an audio mode. The thing I'm concerned about is the scalability of the project if it even gets big in terms of bandwidth consumption. What are the alternatives to passing the audio through my server to the users? Is it possible to create a link between tw...

Communication between microcontroller and separately powered PCB (electronics)

On one board I have a microcontroller with one power supply and on another I have a Flip Flop with a separate power supply. I want to connect a pin of the microcontroller to the reset pin of the flip flop. Can I just put a wire accross or does it need more than that? I was going to do that but now I'm not sure that would work because it ...

Ruby background process communication

How can I communicate with a process using anonymous pipes in Ruby? The process in question is supposed to stay there and listen for commands from stdin. I'd also like to read it's output, which is separated by "\r\n". Using Open3 from the standard library: @stdin, @stdout, @stderr, @thr = Open3.popen3(cmd) The problem with this is ...

Bluetooth client/server communication between computer and mobile phone

I need just a basic example or tutorial of making a mobile phone and a computer communicate via Bluetooth. A good link/website to start from is also appreciated. Server part (computer part) can be made on many programming languages (Java, C++, Python or even something else). Client part (mobile phone) must be a Java Micro Edition MIDl...

How to listen multiple serial ports with C#

Hello everybody, I am using Serial COM Simply in C# by Noah Coad and I have available ports on my machine whichs COM1,COM2,COM6,COM7,COM8,COM9,COM10,COM11,COM12,COM13 and I use COM6,COM7,COM8,COM9,COM10,COM11,COM12 with ZyXEL Omni 56K modem, I use these 7 ports wit...

.net winform talking to Silverlight

Hi All, Im currently working on registration of our application. Basically we have a simple concurrent licensing system so when the user logs in we store their computer name and logon name to uniquely identify them. This is done from a simple winforms app that allows us to retrieve this data. We now have a brother silverlight project th...

Binary communications protocol parser design for serial data

Hi, I'm revisiting a communications protocol parser design for a stream of bytes (serial data, received 1 byte at a time). The packet structure (can't be changed) is: || Start Delimiter (1 byte) | Message ID (1 byte) | Length (1 byte) | Payload (n bytes) | Checksum (1 byte) || In the past I have implemented such systems in a procedu...

Manage out-of-JVM agent pool and communication

I need to managed a pool of agents from my application. All are written in Java but the agents need to run in their own JVM. I wrote a proof of concept that starts the subprocesses and uses the stdout/stdin to send commands and keep-alive information. I also open a socket connection for data transfer. I guess that some connection poolin...

replacement for "functionality" buzzword?

Of all the annoying buzzwords, "functionality" is the worst when I am in the middle of writing a specification (as I am now): "these requirements define the functionality to be included in version 2"..."as part of the download functionality, we need to capture blah blah blah" (Don't get me started on "capture") "Functionality" is too cu...

How to get data to a running ruby process?

I have a datastore with a cache and a db, simple. The tricksy part is that I want a way to control if the the datastore hits the db in a real-time way. That is to say while the process is running I want to be able to toggle if it's connected to the db or not. I looked into env variables, but it doesn't seem like those get updated as t...

creating ports and initiating communication between client and server

what i need is a server that listens to 5060 port , when the client sends data to that port the server should open up another port ( any port after 1250 i believe ) and forward the clients data to that port keeping 5060 idle so it can perform the same function for the next client so basically i need the server to a) open up multiple p...

Communication from arduino to a browser extension all run locally

Hello Everyone! I am trying to figure out how I would go about taking serial information from an arduino which controls a javascript browser extension I have running in an open browser locally on a computer. It would seem that I would need some sort of middleman to internalize the serial readings and pass them to the browser (to activa...

C# classes communication design question

Hi ! I have a design questions about this scenario: Suppose you have a form with many sites to be filled, let's call each site a plugin. Among other classes I've created a PluginManager class that takes evidence of all plugins and provides some functionality and properties: class PluginManager { ... BasePlugin CurrentPlugin {get;se...

Capture server-client communication with tcpdump

I wrote a simple server and client apps, where I can switch between TCP, DCCP and UDP protocols. The goal was to transfer a file from the one to the other and measure the traffic for each protocol, so I can compare them for different network setups (I know roughly what the result should be, but I need exact numbers/graphs). Anyway after ...

How to receive multiple tasks at the same time in a single com port in c sharp

Im a novice in c sharp and im stuck with this task. My requirement is , I create many threads and these threads (send using COM1) have to communicate with a single serial port say COM2. All the threads have to send message using a single COM port(receive using COM2). say,send "helloworld1"(using thread1) and "helloworld2"(thread2) usin...

Ways to stop a program calling home?

Hi All, I have an upcoming project (legit) that requires me to stop our software calling home yet tricking the program into thinking it is still legit(which it is). What sort of techniques are the best to use for this type of project. The software is written specifically for one version of the software. Any language welcome :) Thanks...

Most efficient format for transfering data to and from embedded devices

I'm having hard time to choose the format on which my server and my end points will communicate with. I am considering: JSON YAML Too hard to parse CSV Google Protobufs Binary packing/unpacking (with no use of casting/memset/memcpy to enable portability) Some form of DSL Any other suggestion you might have My criterias are ordered ...

What questions should be asked before making a .Net application ready for communicating with SAP?

Hi, In one of the projects I work for we are asked for to investigate the possibilities of our application's communication with SAP applications. As a person who does not have any experience with SAP, what steps should I follow and what questions should I ask to come out with a useful report? Can you recommend me a road map to achiev...

receive complex objects from javascript in flash

I'm trying to call a Flash function from javascript passing complex data types as arguments the Flash function is being called correctly but the args have no value, I mean they are both complex data types with propertiesbut in Flash when I try to access those properties I get "undefined" and yes, I'm sure the javascript code is correct a...