
How to improve Visual C++ compilation times?

I am compiling 2 C++ projects in a buildbot, on each commit. Both are around 1000 files, one is 100 kloc, the other 170 kloc. Compilation times are very different from gcc (4.4) to Visual C++ (2008). Visual C++ compilations for one project take in the 20 minutes. They cannot take advantage of the multiple cores because a project depend ...

How to reduce compilation times with Boost Asio

Boost.Asio is great library but it has one huge drawback -- extreamly slow compilation times. A simple implementation (really simple) of HTTP protocol (about 1k lines of code) requires about 13.5s to compile under GCC 4.4! I tryed to use PCH but it does not improve compilation times too much (about 1s. only). So are there any tutorials...

Why does Tex/Latex not speed up in subsequent runs?

I really wonder, why even recent systems of Tex/Latex do not use any caching to speed up later runs. Every time that I fix a single comma*, calling Latex costs me about the same amount of time, because it needs to load and convert every single picture file. (* I know that even changing a tiny comma could affect the whole structure but o...