
Using compiler constants in build events

Is there anyway to use compiler constants in Build Events in Visual Studio - VB.NET? (especially in Post-Build events) Scenario If TEST_EDITION=TRUE is defined I want to run an executable during the Post-Build event so if it's FALSE then I'll run something else. This can be used for creating different installers for different editions...

Delphi: All constants are constant, but some are more constant than others?

Consider: const clHotlight: TColor = $00FF9933; clLink = clHotLight; //alias of clHotlight [Error] file.pas: Constant expression expected and the alternate wording that works: const clHotlight = TColor($00FF9933); clLink = clHotLight; //alias of clHotlight Explain. Then consider: const AdministratorGUID: TGUI...