
What are some good resources on practical compiler construction?

Duplicate: Learning to write a compiler This summer I'm taking Compilers with another student as summer "self-study" course. We both will work on the project together but we receive minimal in-class time. Instead, we meet with the professor once a week during the summer to show our progress and ask any questions we may have accumulate...

Delphi 7: Any differences between compiling under Win XP or Windows Server 2003?

Hi all, I have a legacy application to maintain. Currently, releases are built from one particular developper workstation, that is a bad, bad habit. I asked for a virtualized build server to automate the build from one centralized environment. The only problem is that the server they gave me run with windows server 2003, and they will ...

Program is slower when compiled

Any suggestions on why a VB6 program would be slower when compiled than when running in the debugger? I'm compiling it with "Optimize for fast code." Notes: I measure performance by running the compiled version and the non-compiled version on the same machine. I based my predictions on wall-clock time, since 30 minutes vs. 100 minutes...

Resources for writing a C# Compiler for class?

I'm interested in writing a compiler for a intermediate byte-code language like C# (a subset of). I'm trying to accumulate all the resources and information I can before the project begins. I'll be writing the compiler in C# as well, so hopefully down the line my compiler will be able to dogfood itself. The best resource I have found ...

comments compiled into .exe in .net?

I know you can use a .net reflector to view code created with .net but if i put something in the comments for my own personal reminder is that compiled in the exe as well. I don't intend to release the source code for my application and i know the 100% safe bet is to just remove everything i don't want out but i was just wondering if so...

What is the most widely used parser generator for C#?

I'm looking for anyone with some experience using a parser generator that is either design for or has C# available as a target language. What seems to be the standard? Some of the options I have found: ANTLR - Seems widely used, yet people often complain it is "over complicated" or "strange". Coco/R - Another common one I have run i...

ANSI C compiler for Windows

I'm looking for a good, free C compiler for Windows so I can make some progress on K&R on my 13 hour flight tomorrow. Any suggestions? ...

Understanding empty main()'s translation into assembly

Hi, Could somebody please explain what GCC is doing for this piece of code? What is it initializing? The original code is: #include <stdio.h> int main() { } And it was translated to: .file "test1.c" .def ___main; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef .text .globl _main .def _main; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef _main: pushl %ebp ...

Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?

I was wondering if it is possible to save C# code fragments to a text file (or any input stream), and then execute those dynamically? Assuming what is provided to me would compile fine within any Main() block, is it possible to compile and/or execute this code? I would prefer to compile it for performance reasons. At the very least, I c...

Compiler Optimizations Questions

What are some of the ways a compiler eliminates repeated subexpressions recomputations? How do you keep track of the sub-expressions? And How do you identify the repeated ones? Besides the usage of bitwise operators, what are some of the strength reduction techniques common compilers use? ...

Does Loop Fission Work in Single Cores?

When does it make sense to use Loop fission/distribution if I am compiling for a single core processor? ...

Why is ClassName ClassName variable definition in C++ compiling and working properly?

Say I have a class definition: class CustomClass { int member; }; Why is the following variable definition compiling and working correctly: CustomClass CustomClass; // the variable is properly constructed Should't this confuse the compiler and cause it to indicate an error? ...

What is the A-Normal Form?

I was reading about various intermediate forms but I cant get information about A-normal forms besides the wiki-like entries. Does anyone here know about this or has good resources about it? ...

Mandatory attributes in MXML?

Is it possible, through some kind of metadata presumably, to force a property of an object to be set? We have a number of non-visual components that simply doesn't do anything unless one or more properties are set, such as: <ToolTip target="{this}"> <mx:Image source="foo.png" /> </ToolTip> In this case, the target property would b...

Confused about three optimization techniques

How do you exactly perform "commoning"? How does Kleene fixed-point theorem help in optimization? How do you eliminate free variables from local function definitions in programs written in non-functional languages? EDIT: These are NOT my homework questions. I am in my summer break. EDIT2: Well I am just begininng to study compiler...

IIS Recompile ASP NET websites

hello, i was talking with a friend about what iis does when u put a new file inside a virtual directory. he tolds me that IIS recompile the entire website when u put a file anywhere in the website, i think it just happens (if happen) when u put a file inside your Bins folder. the conversation comes because a website in the company is ...

Why the is flexbuilder plugin for eclipse so slow to open and compile ?

I've got a decent computer. ( something with dual-core in the name and a lot of ram ). Sometime FlexBuilder prompt the "builder project" loading bar only when i open a simple mxml file. It's look like he does some difficult jobs... i don't ask for anything fancy. I just want the file open, in text mode. Every time i hit ctrl+s, i fear ...

gcc makefile error: "No rule to make target ..."

I'm trying to use GCC (linux) with a makefile to compile my project. I get the following error which is can't seem to decipher in this context: "No rule to make target vertex.cpp', needed by vertex.o'. Stop." This is the makefile: a.out: vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o vlist.o enode.o vnode.o g++ vertex.o edge.o elist.o main.o...

Mark class/method obselete or depracated in C++

Is there a way of marking methods/classes in C++ as obselete as I would to in c# as follows: [Obsolete("You shouldn't use this method anymore.")] void foo(){} I use the GNU toolchain/Eclipse CDT if that matters. ...

How to see managed exception details in WinDBG?

VS2005 C# Compiler crashes during our team's nightly build process. I attach to it with WinDBG, load SOS extensions, print the callstack, but cannot see exception info. I tried !PrintException, as follows: 0:000> !PrintException There is no current managed exception on this thread Here's the top of callstack: 0:000> !...