
how to clean one projectfile with devenv?

How can I clean a single vc project file? I tried this: devenv SolutionName.sln /Clean SolnConfigName The\Path\to\the\FileToClean.vcproj but it dosn't work. How can I do it? thanks ...

Android's AMR audio Files to WAV/MP3

I've recorded audio in my Android application in its AMR format and I'd like to convert these to something that I can more easily use, such as WAV or MP3. I've found some online instructions for this, for instance: which say to start with the 3GPP reference solution...

Naming a set of method,field,local var, and function

In writing a compiler grammar, I'm trying to come up with a name/label for a set of elements that include pretty much everything with an ident in it: method, field, local var and function I thought "members" first, but vars and functions aren't class members. Any ideas? EDIT: This is higher up than an identifier. Here's how it's use...

Compiler-Implemented Immutability in .Net

Given this class... public class Test { private long _id; public Test(long id) { _id = id; } } Will the .Net compiler actually compile it as... public class Test { private readonly long _id; public Test(long id) { _id = id; } } In other words, does it understand that _id is only ever set from the construct...

Set character set to multi byte by using code

Is there a way to set the character set to multi byte in code. By that I mean without going into the properties of the compiler and setting it. I mean it by, code. :p Thanks in advanced it would mean a lot for an answer, this has been bugging me for a while. :D ...

cedecl calling convention -- compiled asm instructions cause crash

Treat this more as pseudocode than anything. If there's some macro or other element that you feel should be included, let me know. I'm rather new to assembly. I programmed on a pic processor back in college, but nothing since. The problem here (segmentation fault) is the first instruction after "Compile function entrance, setup stack f...

ccs compiler multiple compilation units feature

When using the CCS compiler's multiple compilation units feature, I stumbled upon what seems to be a pretty serious bug: The setup is a header file defining a #bit in a #byte, two compilation units #include-ing the header file and a function referring to said #bit. It seems that the function's code (specifically using the correct addre...

how I can find out, which compiler I have used

I have installed NetCDF "binary-netcdf-4.0.1_gfortran_gfortran_c++.tar ". But I am not sure about the gfortran compiler I have used. How can I find the compiler I have used? ...

Bug in VB compiler and/or IntelliSense in both C# and VB WRT out-of-scope Property Setters and ByRef fn() Parameters

I've noticed some seemingly weird issues in Visual Studio 2008 (.NET 3.5) and also in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 (.NET 4.0). These issues may have existed in prior versions as well. Maybe they are not an issue, but either way, I would like to see if there is are logical explanations for these before I submit a report on Microsoft Connec...

Questions about implementation of a global register allocator for the tiny c compiler

Hey guys, upcoming summer i will hopefully start writing my masters thesis and i have been quite busy looking for a thesis subject. I now have a pool of subjects that i am interested in and the one that struck me most is the implementation of a global register allocator for the tiny C compiler (graph coloring or linear scan). So i wante...

GLR parsing algorithm resources

Hi, I am writing a GLR parser generator and would like some advice on resources relating to this algorithm both on the internet and of the dead-tree variety (books for those unfamiliar with the geek-speak). I know Bison can generate GLR parsers, and given it's under the GPL I can examine its code, however it'd be nice to have a full des...

What are good heuristics for inlining functions?

Considering that you're trying solely to optimize for speed, what are good heuristics for deciding whether to inline a function or not? Obviously code size should be important, but are there any other factors typically used when (say) gcc or icc is determining whether to inline a function call? Has there been any significant academic wor...

How to force gcc use int for system calls, not sysenter?

Hi, all Is it possible to force gcc use int instruction for all the system calls, but not sysenter? This question may sound strange but I have to compile some projects like Python and Firefox this way. Summary Thanks to jbcreix, I've downloaded glibc 2.9 source code, and modified the lines in sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/sysdep.h, to ...

What do C and Assembler actually compile to?

So I found out that C(++) programs actually don't compile to plain "binary" (I may have gotten some things wrong here, in that case I'm sorry :D) but to a range of things (symbol table, os-related stuff,...) but... Does assembler "compile" to pure binary? That means no extra stuff besides resources like predefined strings, etc. If C co...

How does a compiler deal with inlined exported functions?

If a header file contains a function definition it can be inlined by the compiler. If the function is exported, the function's name and implementation must also be made available to clients during linkage. How does a compiler achieve this? Does it both inline the function and provide an implementation for external callers? Consider Foo....

Can lexical analyzer stage check grammar rules during compilation?

Hi guys, sorry for such silly question, but I had argument with my pals about lexical analyze and we've decided to ask community. The question is: Whether the statement "int some_variable = ;" would be interpreted as invalid during the lexical analyze stage or during the syntax analyze stage in C grammar. Thanks ...

visual c++ 2008 express

Hi all, I need to compile several c++ projects using the version 6.0 compiler. Is there any way to compile my projects using the visual c++ 2008 express edition compiler. In java, there is a command to specify which version of the compiler to use on commandline, I was hoping that c++ 2008 has such a command as well. Kind regards. ...

Recommend C front-end that preserves preprocessor directives.

I'd like to start a project that involves transforming C code, but I'd like to include the preprocessor directives. I don't want to reinvent the wheel by writing my own C parser, so does anyone know of a front-end that can parse C preprocessor and C code, and produce an AST that can be used to re-generate (or pretty-print) the original ...

Visual Studio 2010 C++ compiler - Get current line number when compiling

Hello, i have a question about how to get the current line number while compiling of the VS C++ compiler, IF its possible of course. I know its possible to use the LINE Macro from the preprocessor, but the results i get are not correct (well, at least not what i want). Please tell me its possible :) Thanks in advance edit: I think i...

How can I compile Ruby to Javascript?

I'm working on a piece of logic that I would like to express on the server as well as in the browser. Something like validating a form where there must be certain logical relationships between the elements based on what has already been entered. So... If I can write the logic once and somehow end up with both Ruby and with Javascript, I...