
Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and conditional-or operators? (&&=, ||=)

So for binary operators on booleans, Java has &, |, ^, && and ||. Let's summarize what they do briefly here: JLS 15.22.2 Boolean Logical Operators &, ^, and | JLS 15.23 Conditional-And Operator && JLS 15.24 Conditional-Or Operator || For &, the result value is true if both operand values are true; otherwise, the result is false....

Shortcut "or-assignment" (|=) operator in Java

I have a long set of comparisons to do in Java, and I'd like to know if one or more of them come out as true. The string of comparisons was long and difficult to read, so I broke it up for readability, and automatically went to use a shortcut operator |= rather than negativeValue = negativeValue || boolean. boolean negativeValue = false...

What does "|=" operation mean in C++ ?

I have the following code and I can't understand what does it mean: var1 |= var2>0 ? 1 : 2; Anyone can help me please! ...

Varying behavior for possible loss of precision

In Java, when you do int b = 0; b = b + 1.0; You get a possible loss of precision error. But why is it that if you do int b = 0; b += 1.0; There isn't any error? ...

Auto-(un)boxing fail for compound assignment

Thanks to the implicit casting in compound assignments and increment/decrement operators, the following compiles: byte b = 0; ++b; b++; --b; b--; b += b -= b *= b /= b %= b; b <<= b >>= b >>>= b; b |= b &= b ^= b; And thanks to auto-boxing and auto-unboxing, the following also compiles: Integer ii = 0; ++ii; ii++; --ii; ii--; ii += i...

Is there a cleaner way to add "else if" to assignment conditional in Awk, etc.?

Certain languages like awk script allow for conditional assignments. For example, say you had a list file in the format: <item name, no spaces> <price as float> e.g. Grape 4.99 JuicyFruitGum 0.45 Candles 5.99 And you wanted to tax everything over $1... you could use the awk script: awk '{a=($2>1.00)?$2*1.06:$2; print a}' prices.d...

Is i += ++i undefined behavior in C++0x?

I'm very convinced with the explanation I've found that said that i = ++i is not undefined as far as C++0x is concerned, but I'm unable to judge whether the behavior of i += ++i is well-defined or not. Any takers? ...