I am using BasicDatasource in my application. This application is processing huge amount of raw data. Sometimes 1 query can take more than 15 minutes. (using mysql as db)
Here is my question, I acquire a connection from pool, then execute several queries on it. But when I use the same connection more than 15 minutes, I get the error bel...
I am using Tomcat server in java and wanted to be able to access the ServletContext from the restlet Resource in order to access my cached DataSource object (to pool mysql connections). org.restlet.resource.Resource comes with a Context object but that is not in any way related to the ServletContext. So after some googling around, I foun...
Datanucleus supports some pool manager options:
DBCP plugin
C3P0 plugin
Proxool plugin
And recently
BoneCP plugin
I've tried EVERYONE of them, with NO success, because of OSGI (i'm under ECLIPSE RCP)
The closest i've been to succeed was with DBCP...
We recently changed to the CMS garbage collector on our server (XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC) which worked fine in tests. When we went to production, things were OK for the first few hours, but then we suddenly began to see the dreaded:
org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection,
pool error Timeout waiting for idl...
I use the oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource for connection pooling. I would like the pool to check whether the connection was not closed properly and to catch it up. I tried the following:
ods = new OracleDataSource();
Properties cacheProps = new Proper...
Does or can DataWindow .NET take advantage of connection pooling?
We use database connection pooling for our java application. It is a web app run under tomcat.
I want to view live connections in the pool as they are created and destroyed. Can somebody please help?
UPDATE: We are using Oracle 11g. We use DDConnectionBroker library for connection pooling.
I am using org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource and I want to monitor the UNCLOSED connections.
What properties i have to set in hibernate config file?
Hi all,
I have a .Net Remoting server that can accept connections from my remote client app. During the initialization of the client application, it calls ChannelServices.RegisterChannel and then RemotingServices.Connect to create a channel and connect to the server. Every customer has a unique id that we are using for the channel name.