
Issue using Contact Group delete on Android

I have this code to delete a Contact Group public void delete(Activity act,String[] args) { try { int b=act.getContentResolver().delete(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI,"_ID=?", args); Toast.makeText(act, "Deleted",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); //notify registered observers that a row was ...

Update doesn't work when using ContentResolver to update Contact Groups

I have this code for update: public Boolean update() { try { data.put(ContactsContract.Groups.SHOULD_SYNC, true); ContentResolver cr = ctx.getContentResolver(); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_URI, Long.parseLong(getId())); int mid = cr.update(uri, data,_ID+"="+getId(), null); // n...

Getting really weird long Contact Group names

When looking at the Contact Groups on Google Contacts or in the People application of my HTC Legend phone, I get the groups names ok eg: Friends, Family, VIP, Favorite etc... But in my application I get really wrong names such as "Family" became "System Group: Family" "Friends" became "System Group: Friends" "Favorite" became "Favorite_...

Problem getting contact groups - google contacts api, js lib

I am using the Google contacts api to retrieve contacts. That works FINE. I have been asked to get the groups that each contact is associated with and whatever I tried seem to have failed me. I am not going to post my code here but assume it works (other than the group stuff). I am iterating through **result.feed.entry** where my contact...

how to create a group in BB contact list

Hi.. I need to create a group in bb contact list.. help me by providing sample code.. thanks in advance.. ~Sam ...