
How to tell if a Windows folder has content-indexing enabled?

I am looking for a Windows API that I can call from Delphi 2010 which will allow my application to determine if a specific folder has content-indexing enabled. In other words whether there is a tick in the checkbox named 'Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties' which is in the Advanced Attribut...

Content Indexer/Indexing Service - database content?

We've been using content indexer successfully for years to provide search. This works well because a significant amount of content is cached on disk. However, I'd like to move away from this paradigm. Is there anyway I can keep content indexer and have it index "pages" stored in SQL Server? ...

Lucene.NET Faceted Search

I am building a faceted search with Lucene.NET, not using Solr. I want to get a list of navigation items within the current query. I just want to make sure I'm pointed in the right direction. I've got an idea in mind that will work, but I'm not sure if it's the right way to do this. My plan at the moment is to create hiarchry of all ava...