
How to convert ODT to DOC/RTF without

Is there any way to convert odt documents to doc or rtf on linux without openoffice or any library that relies on having openoffice installed ? ...

How can I convert from Gregorian Calendar to Unix Time, in Java?

Hi, I am in need of a method to convert GregorianCalendar Object to Unix Time (i.e. a long). Also need a method to convert Unix Time (long) back to GregorianCalendar Object. Are there any methods out there that does this? If not, then how can I do it? Any help would be highly appreciated. Link to GregorianCalendar Class --> http://down...

PDF to HTML via API or through ColdFusion?

This has been asked many times, i'm sure, but i was curious if it's possible to upload a PDF to some site, keep it private, and get back HTML/CSS? Or, is there a way with ColdFusion to do this? It needs to be damn near the same as the PDF. I heard through a developer at a hackathon there was a PDF converter that uses the Webkit engine, b...

How to treat a struct with two unsigned shorts as if it were an unsigned int? (in C)

I created a structure to represent a fixed-point positive number. I want the numbers in both sides of the decimal point to consist 2 bytes. typedef struct Fixed_t { unsigned short floor; //left side of the decimal point unsigned short fraction; //right side of the decimal point } Fixed; Now I want to add two fixed point number...

Print XML as PDF using PCL

I have an xml file with which i want to print as a PDF using PCL. I am new to PCL. Can i use PCL to get the xml printed in PDF format directly or should i have some intermediate process to create a PDF file and then use PCL to get it printed as PDF? ...

NULL pointer conversion

C++03 $4.10- "The conversion of a null pointer constant to a pointer to cv-qualified type is a single conversion, and not the sequence of a pointer conversion followed by a qualification conversion (4.4)." Here is my understanding int main(){ char buf[] = "Hello"; char const *p1 = buf; // 2 step conversion proces...

How to convert vector<unsigned char> to int ?

I have vector<unsigned char> filed with binary data. I need to take, lets say, 2 items from vector(2 bytes) and convert it to integer. How this could be done not in C style? ...

YCbCr to RGB from matrix table.

Hi Below is a matrix to convert YCbCr to RGB, Can you tell me how can I get formula to convert YCbCr to RGB? I mean, I have YCbCr value available and I want to get RGB from it. ...

How can I convert a string array to a variant array in VBscript?

I'm using a function in vbscript which returns a variant array of strings. JobIDs = objDoc.ConnectedSubmit(objServer) The problem is I can't get the Job ID values from that array, as vbscript doesn't handle typed variables. It just gives a type mismatch when I attempt to do ANYTHING with the JobIDs array. I found some promising info...

Regular Expression to escape double quotes inside single quotes

Hi people. I would need a regular expression that escapes or captures (if not already escaped) ALL the double quote characters INSIDE a single quoted string and then convert the opening single quotes to double quotes! We are refactoring files that have a lot (and i mean a lot!) of single quoted strings in either PHP and also JS files. ...

Convert and Print Structure contents to a form in Visual Basic

Hello, I am trying to print the contents of a structure onto a print page in Visual Basic(visual studio 2008). However my for each loop generates a conversion error? Could someone help me figure out whats wrong? Thanks Public Class Form1 Structure IncomeRecord Dim IDVal As Integer Dim HouseholdNum As Integer Dim YearlyInco...

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value to int

I'm getting an error with what should be a simple query to insert data. I've done searching, but for the life of me, I cant figure out whats happening. Here's my SQL: IF OBJECT_ID('settings') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [settings] CREATE TABLE [settings] ( [id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [tenant_id] [bigint] NOT ...

How to apply css to html so that it shows as the style property

I want to write an application that sends html formatted email. I have the css and html files as I want them. I'm trying to send the email with the embedded css using the style element like so: <style type="text/css"> h1 {border-width: 1; border: solid; text-align: center} </style> <h1>Title</h1> <p>Content of the email</p> It work...

Relation between number of elements in form and users completing form?

Hi everyone, We're in the middle of an ongoing discussion about the sole number of form elements in a form and how it affects the user to actually avoid from submitting the form. The sales department wants the user to enter as many details as possible, so they can call up the customer based upon his or her entered information. My opini...

Function to convert YCbCr to RGB?

I have Y,Cb,Cr values each of 8 bit, can you give me simple C function which converts it to R,G,B each of 8 bit. Here is a prototype of it. void convertYCbCrToRGB(unsigned char Y, unsigned char cg, unsigned char cb, unsigned char &r, unsigned &g, unsigned &b); P.S I am looking for correct conversion forumla only. Because I am finding ...

How to convert a decimal number to hex string in Perl?

For example I would like to convert 2001 into: "0x07", "0xD1" Thanks ...

Video Compression: What takes longer?

So, I've always wondered, when it comes to compression, if it takes less time to encode a video to a smaller resolution, or a larger one. For the sake of being realistic about the question, let's take an example of a somewhat lossless mov, (maybe mjpeg or prores 422), 29.97 fps, keys set to whatever the compressor wants or 24 if auto is...

what is the difference between typecasting and typeconversion in c++ or java ?

what is the difference between typecasting and typeconversion in c++ or java ? ...

Help me translate the C++ code to Delphi

im having hardtime in memset and memcpy. can somebody trasnlate this for me, or suggestion on how this thing work? do{ memset(szSpeechBuf, 0x0, sizeof(char)*QSIZE); if((nBufIter+1)*QSIZE > nRawBufLen) { diff = nRawBufLen - (nBufIter)*QSIZE; if(diff < 0) { printf("DetectSpeech() error : timeout!!!"); ...

Convert string to date in jQuery and Internet Explorer?

I want to convert a date string to a date object in jQuery, and the code below works fine for Chrome and Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> //Validate if the followup date is now or passed: jQuery.noConflict(); var now = new Date(); jQuery(".FollowUpDate").each(function () ...