
how to get to work with IE8

I have tested this on Windows XP SP3 in IE7 and IE8 ( in all compatibility modes ) and Windows 7 Ultimate in IE8 (in all compatiblity modes) and it fails the same way on both. I am running the latest HEAD from the the couchapp repository. This works fine on my OSX 10.6.3 development machine. I have tested with Chrome (45376)...

how to store session data in couchapp

to query parameters for eventlies and show-functions? to store global language options for example? ...

Question on using mustache partials with couchapp and evently

Hi guys, I have been evaluating couchdb for a project and am using couchapp to develop the prototype. So far all I can only say it that it is an awesome tool. I have however run across a problem (which is surely caused by ignorance of the tool) that I cannot seem to get mustache partials to work and the reason for that I believe is that...

Sample a large CouchDB database for local development, avoiding long view builds

CouchDB is convenient to develop (CouchApps) locally and then push into remote production. Unfortunately with production-sized data sets, working on views can be cumbersome. What are good ways to take samples of a CouchDB database for use in local development? ...

deploy application on couchdb

Hello, I would like to deploy my application on couchdb. Have few queries regarding the same. 1) Is couchapp the only way to install applications on couchdb? 2) Can we deploy only javascript/HTML in couchdb? I found that all the files except the files in web-inf from my application war can be pushed into couchdb. What will happen to ...

Can node.js execute JavaScript functions pulled from CouchDB like CouchApp does? How?

The quick overview is this: for my web app I can write most of my functionality using CouchApp and CouchDB views, etc. I love the feature of CouchApp that pushes my code up to the server via replication- this makes the deployment cycle very easy. However, to do some arbitrary work not supported in couchdb and works around a few limita...

Timeout in a Couchapp list when using mustache

I have a simple list view in which I (try to) use mutache to render the output of a list containing 5 results. function(head, req) { var row, mustache = require("vendor/couchapp/lib/mustache.js"), template = "<li>{{project}} {{version}} {{description}}</li>"; while(row = getRow()) { send(mustache.to_html(template,...

How to TDD for CouchDB with CouchApp?

Recently I've discovered CouchDB. I want to use CouchApp to build a flash games site. It looks like a perfect fit 'cause this kind of a site is totally document based with a bit of binary attachments. The only thing I need to learn before I start is how to TDD with CouchApp/CouchDB. I couldn't google any workflow tutorial and I'm not ex...