
Cron trigger from 12:04 to 14:25

Is it possible to write cron expression for trigger that must fire every day and every minute from 12:04 to 14:25? ...

Possible to Schedule a Cron Job for Specific Day of Every Month on Google App Engine?

Question Is it possible to schedule a cron job on google app engine to run on the 27th day of every month? Background Looking at their syntax here, it appears doing that is too specific, but I wanted to see if anyone here managed to do it somehow. Interestingly enough, this works: 1st day of jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,n...

Run a cron job every x minutes with startCalendarInterval & launchd?

I'm using mac osx 10.6 - and it seems that the minutes parameter determines how many minutes past the hour that the job runs. But how do you set up a job to run ever x minutes past the hour. I've tried setting up minutes as an array of several numbers and an array with one string which is "*/5" i.e. similar to every five minutes syntax...

How can I determine if a python script is executed from crontab?

I would like to know how can I determine if a python script is executed from crontab? I don't want a solution that will require adding a parameter because I want to be able to detect this even from an imported module (not the main script). ...

Parse error when run by cron but not from command line?

So I have a cronjob which executes a PHP script like so: 0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f /home/mysite/ If I issue the same command from the command line it runs without error and running with the l flag shows no syntax errors. However cron emails the following: Parse error: syntax error, unexpec...

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] does not work in teh php script running through cron

I use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/lib/sft_required.php"; to include the 'sft_required' file in a PHP script. When I run this file using browser, it works fine but when I run this as a cron job job, it does not work. It seems that the file is not included when we run the script through cron. ...

Execute cronjobs in lock step

I have two cronjobs, each using a "*/5 * * * *" schedule. What I really want is to execute them every ten minutes, but the second one 5 minutes later than the first one. Is there an elegant way to do this? ...

Looking to set up some kind of cron-equivalent on my IIS server

I am currently working on setting up a system for my company using a classic ASP on IIS setup that is relying on data from a 3rd party API. Problem is the API responds extremely slow and all it sends is a large XML file or all data. Simple enough fix is to request is once a day and setup a database to store this info and have the app ...

Any way to run Firefox with GreaseMonkey scripts without a GUI/X session

I need to build a small "monitoring" scraper for a 3rd party website (it's an external website that has stats about our visitors). Unfortunately, this website is very hard to scrape through the normal "wget" mechanism, because it uses a ton of sophisticated JS, part of it generated by GWT. So my workaround was to create a GreaseMonkey s...

esrcript cron blues

I have an escript file which runs fine from the command line, i.e.: ./escript_file It is meant to be cron friendly and all paths are explicit but when I run it, it fails to compile saying that there are bad attributes. The bad attributes in question are macro definitions: -define(COOKIE, 'somecookie'). The Answer Thanks to Geoff ...

Calling PHP multiple times within a CRON job (self-calling until an exit condition is satisfied)

I'm planning to sync 2 folders from 2 dyfferent servers using a cronjob scheduled to run every hour. The script that is to be scheduled will check if a previous instance is already running, and if not, continue with processing. so, the first stage is to sync these folders. Daily (or more often), the second server will have 1-2 thousands...

How to simulate the environment cron executes a script with?

I normally have several problems with how cron executes scripts as they normally don't have my environment setup. Is there a way to invoke bash(?) in the same way cron does so I could test scripts before installing them? ...

PHP: Schedule scripts without using CRON

I know there are many posts about using CRON to run a php file. But, in the world of shared hosting, and ease of setup for a user, I don't want to have to mess with that. I found another solution online that has to do with sockets. Just wanted to get everyones take on this, and tell me if this is a good or bad idea. Sounds like it wo...

Opinion on sending emails from php.

I'm preparing a website that will send email notifications to registered users. From my experience I know, that sending emails is somewhat a painful process for PHP, especially when we're talking about thousands. One of my websites sends email every now and then to 1000-1500 people. It takes around 5mins for PHP to accomplish that, so we...

task scheduling in php on windows

Hello All, I want to execute a php script after every one minute in background on windows OS, for this purpose i am using windows task scheduler in which i am giving the path of a php file after choosing Internet Explorer EXE, it works fine and after every minute opens that page in browser window and performs my wanted task. Now the iss...

Is php the right language to program for a large json api such as mochi?

So I am currently using django and the site goes down very often... However, because of that i was thinking if a simpler solution of php is introduced in slurping in the games over to my db and s3 using the following api then i would not have to keep up with the django issues: url:

Is it secure to use an online free web based cron?

I have a mailing list page in one of my web application... I found an online web based cron to execute the url of MailingList.aspx once a day in my application... Is it secure to use an online free web based cron? What should i watch out for when using them? EDIT: Anyone who uses web based crons for scheduling their tasks c...

Cron syntax with Java EE 5?

Timer Tasks in Java EE are not very comfortable. Is there any util, to configure timer with cron syntax like "0 20 20 * * "? I wonder, if it would be a good way to use Quartzinside (clustered) JEE application. According to (german page) there limits with Quartz and Java EE cluster...

Cron job, execute php script

Hello I want to run a php script every morning, the script would send a mail. But the mail I get from cron always contains an error message. Can anybody help? ...

Cron Expression - Every 5 seconds between 7am and 8pm...?

I have the following Cron expression i use with 0/5 * * ? * MON-FRI Basically, every 5 seconds, Mondays - Fridays. How can I modify this so it only runs between 7am and 8pm on those days? ...