
How to check which programmes are scheduled to run in windows?

Like crontab in linux,is there a solution? I mean,it's run at a specific time,for instance,12 o'click every day. So it's not services.msc ...

Cron job, execute php script

Hello I want to run a php script every morning, the script would send a mail. But the mail I get from cron always contains an error message. Can anybody help? ...

/bin/sh: get: command not found

Hello! When I try to run a script by cron I get this error messaege: /bin/sh: get: command not found I also tried it in bash shell, and I tried 'curl', 'wget' and 'fetch' but non of them helped. Can anybody tell solution? : D ...

How can I lock a file from a program started as a cron job on Linux?

I use fcntl in my codes to lock file and unlock to practice like mutex in windows... I start my app in linux manually, i got right result, with the app runs smoothly... but i was asked to make a bash script to start the app daily.... my script is cd myapppaht ./myapp however, i got [Bad file descriptor] when it try to lock a file pos...

crontab oracle problem in linux

I created an app which is need to run in linux started by crontab. An error happened when it tried to connect oracle database: it returned SQLO_INVALID_DB_HANDLE. But if started it manually everything is okay. I bet there are no path-related mistakes here, because everything goes well except the connection to the Oracle database. O...

shell script not running via crontab, runs fine manually

Hey guys, Before you guys jump on me for asking this question which is asked a million times over and over. Yes I have tried exporting my paths and variables and crontab still will not run my script. I'm sure I am doing something wrong. I have a shell script which runs a jar file. This is not working correctly. After reading around ...

Where can I set environment variables that crontab will use?

hey all, I have a crontab running every hour... The user running it has evironment vars in the .bash_profile that work when the user runs the job from the terminal. However, obviously these don't get picked up by crontab when it runs. I've tried setting them in .profile and .bashrc but they still don't seem to get picked up. Anyone know...

Cannot execute crontab command from a php script...from shared host....

Hi, I'm running an application where I need to execute the cron job, once a form is submitted,contains more than 1 lac records in a loop(its on-demand execution of cron job and deletes the job once finished). I'm using php, I tried to configure the job through cpanel as a test and it works...the command was.."/ramdisk/bin/php5 -f /home/...

CRONTAB doesn't finish svndump

I just discovered that the automated dumps I've been creating of my SVN repository have been getting cut off early and basically only half the dump is there. It's not an emergency, but I hate being in this situation. It defeats the purpose of making automated backups in the first place. The command I'm using is below. If I execute it ma...

How do I know if jobs have been/are performing? - Crontab

I have followed the suggestion in this question as I am using Django, I have set the script to store date and time of each run of the script in the db, but no entry has been stored yet in the database. Is there a way to figure out, other than typing "top" and searching through? ...

Crontab job does not start... ideas?

Hey folks, thanks for helping me setting my cron jobs, crontab has really been a gold mine for me. Unfortunately I have a problem, and have no idea what so ever what it might be... basically a job does not start while the neighbour jobs do. I'll explain This is my crontabs job list: */10 * * * * python /webapps/foo/ fe...

Python in SU cron gives different output than manually execution

Ubuntu Server 9.10, Here is my file, import commands blkid = commands.getoutput('blkid') print blkid When I manually run (as SU) this: python I get the output of the blkid as expected: /dev/sda1: UUID="3f0ac5bb-f0da-4574-81f5-77844530b561" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sda5: UUID="67df0e7c-74fb-47dd-8520-ad720fbed67d" TYPE="swa...

Is there a Javascript cron implementation somewhere that I'm missing?

I'm aware of timing issues in Javascript, how its not exact/off by milliseconds etc, but I need something to at least attempt to do browser-based scheduling. In terms of features, I'm thinking something along the lines of scheduling patterns described here: Anything out there?...

Crontab + rails3 + bundler

I'm running a crontab that executes a rake task. I'm getting the following error (with MAILTO from crontab): rake aborted! no such file to load -- bundler /Users/Mendel/Sites/misnooit/Rakefile:4 (See full trace by running task with --trace) I'm using rvm with: ruby: ruby 1.9.1p378 rails: Rails 3.0.0.beta $GEM_HOME: /Users/Mendel/.rvm/...

Crontab: cut line to many lines?

Hard-to-read-line @daily export sunshine="~/logs/Sunshine-`date '+\%F'`" && export sunshineUrl="" && mkdir -p $sunshine && cd $sunshine && wget --mirror -l 1 $sunshineUrl Which mark do I n...

I'm trying to run some PHP scripts as CLI instead of over HTTP. How do I make them play nice?

Hi everyone. I'm using some PHP scripts from FeedForAll to join together RSS feeds (RSSmesh) and display them as HTML (RSS2HTML). Because I intend to run these scripts fairly intensively and don't want the resulting HTTP requests and bandwidth to count towards my hosting quota, I am in the process of moving to running them on the web ho...

Gearman Scheduler

Anybody have experience or thoughts on a scheduler to couple with a persistent Gearman queue? Obviously there's crontab available, but i'd like some more functionality. We're looking at Java Quartz. Please weigh in if you've done this before in any capacity! ...

Perl Cron Scheduler: start at x time, execute every y minutes forever

I'm using perl cron, and I want to make a rule like this run every xx min/hours starting at yy:yy time (until the end of time) How would I put this into a cron string? perl:cron seems to use the same syntax as regular cron so a regular cron string should work TIA! ...

Crontab sets 18:00 to 09:00

I just want to set a crontab using that I want to make a program run at every 15 minutes from 18:00 to 09:00 I have given this statement and waited but I don't think it is working */15 18-9 * * 1-6 Program_name Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated ...

Python Script to check website for a tag

Hello all. I'm trying to figure out how to go about writing a website monitoring script (cron job in the end) to open up a given URL, check to see if a tag exists, and if the tag does not exist, or doesn't contain the expected data, then to write some to a log file, or to send an e-mail. The tag would be something like or something re...