
Good JS lib to take screenshot of the screen

Hey, I want my users to be able to take a screenshot of the webpage (or me defining the size of the screenshot) and then allowing them to save it to their computer. Does anyone know of a good JS lib that allows you to do this? I know there are addons for the browser, but i wanted something pure JS so that the user can just click in a ...

How to determine if "html" or "body" scrolls the window.

The code below is used to find the element that can be scrolled (body or html) via javascript. var scrollElement = (function (tags) { var el, $el, init; // iterate through the tags... while (el = tags.pop()) { $el = $(el); // if the scrollTop value is already > 0 then this element will...

Javascript unable to pass parameters into a property acting as a function

Currently in a simplified form, my code looks like this function AddFileParam(file_id, name, value) { uploadcontrol.AddFileParam(file_id, name, value) } uploadcontrol = new Upload() function Upload() { //logic } Upload.prototype.AddFileParam = function(file_id, name, value) { //logic }; The code is giving me an error as ...

How to target Safari for Mac only?

Hi I've cross browser fixed a site on all thinkable PC browsers, including Safari. Now my smart ass designer sent me a screen shot of the whole layout collapsing on mac. I have an idea how to solve it (reduce the margin on an element by a few pix), but i don't know how to target Safari only, preferably Safari mac only. What's the best w...

CSS fixed container in IE6

#fixed { border:1px solid red; height:100px; left:50%; margin-left:-500px; position:fixed; top:0; width:1000px; } how can i make this element display the same way in IE6? the div is the first element directly in the body regards ...

@font-face and CSS3 working locally but not on hosting

Hello chaps and chapettes, I've got a bit of a strange one for you (so to speak). I've devised a little 'coming soon' page for my site which, locally, (on a WAMP setup) is working flawlessly - in capable browsers (i.e. Chrome and Safari), the page looks fine and has a nice little CSS3 transition effect upon hover. And in other browsers,...

The ultimate browser testing machine...

Hi All, What would be the ultimate web application browser compatibility test machine be? The testing environment would be (XP: IE6,FF3.6), (XP: IE7,Chrome), (XP: IE8,Safari), (MacOsX: Safari, FF3.6, Chrome), (Ubuntu: FF3.6, Chrome) Of course I want it all in one machine, my initial thought was Using a MacOsX as a host machine and use ...

Making text align equally in both IE and Chrome

<style type="text/css"> h2{ font-size:13px; line-height:16px; color:#000000; margin:0; padding:6px 22px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; } div{ border:1px solid black; } </style> <div> <h2> 様々なツールを使</h2> </div> Pasting the above codes here: You will see that the text stays a little bit higher in the...

The caption with a "tricky" vertical spacing.

There is a picture: How to make this inscription so that: The lines were "separated" - that is between the lines was a gap. Text aligned left. The width of the photo is not fixed, it is floating. The length of the text also not fixed (signatures can be of different lengths). I need crossbrowser-compatible solution. I apologize ...

GWT forced height HTMLPanel

Hello, I'm developing a GWT project, and I encountered a problematic cross-browsering problem. When using firefox, there are problems with the display of all the pages. I found the reason why : In UIBinder, each of my pages are wrapped by a "g:HTMLPanel" : at start and at the end of the xml file, to wrap the content of all the pag...

Displaying the website's content (html) through the specific browser - is it possible to realize?

I'm interested is there a possibility that could allow to display website's content or to say exactly an HTML through a specific browser installed on the web server? I mean something like a module for a web server may be, that can display the website's content through the built-in browser, ignoring the clients browser? If this possibil...

what html5 features are already safe to use in a cross browser way?

I'm already using the HTML5 Doctype in all my pages. Are there any other html5 specifications/features I can start using right now? The conditions are: Cross browser - support for IE6 is optional but please specify No hacks please [javascript or otherwise] its completely acceptable if the feature degrades gracefully in older browsers ...

Coloring even heighten columns

I try to set different a background colors for left and right columns and to maintain the same height. So I set a background color for outer wrapper ("container" div) so it will set a color to rightBar. But this didn't work. Online Demo I want it to work on all browsers. Markup: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "ht...

Resources for looking up differences in rendering behavior between web-browsers and browser bugs

I recently encountered a printing issue in Firefox that eventually turned out to be a problem with the fieldset tag we wrapped the entire page in. (Bugzilla: Bug 471015) All browsers have their own rendering quirks and issues, but it can be very hard to know what's causing different behaviors. Sure, you can Google, but that's often ta...

Hotkeys in webapps

When creating webapps, is there any guidelines on which keys you can use for your own hotkeys without overriding too many of the browsers default hotkeys. For example i might want to have a custom copy command for copying entire sets of data that only makes sense for my program instead of just text. The logical combination for this woul...

What are the most major issues with IE [website development]?

After being busy sometime with website development and constantly having trouble with making my website work on IE also, i thought it might be handy to have an overview of what the most major issues with IE are, so that one can take care of addressing them from the beginning. (Should this be a community wiki?) ...

Selecting a DOCTYPE for HTML 5 + all browsers

Hi. I'm using some HTML5 features on a web page and wondered what the best DOCTYPE is. Currently, this is the DOCTYPE and XMLNS: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; Should I use the new HTML 5 DOCTYP...

Are you testing against Chrome?

I'm curious to know who is testing against Chrome. I am mainly because it has become my primary browser, so all development is taking place on Chrome, then i test with IE and Firefox. ...

Can I expect similar CSS and JavaScript behavior with Chrome 5 on Windows and Mac

Chrome 5 was recently released for Windows, Mac, and Linux, all with the same version number. Are there significant differences in behavior (CSS or JS) between the different platforms, or do they behave pretty much the same? I'm not interested in how they handle extensions -- just handling of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ...

Attached event triggering if event is same as current event

I have a button which start/stops a timer. When I click it, I remove the current event handler, and attach the opposite one. Ie, click "Stop", and the "Start" function is attached for the next click. However in IE (7), not sure about 8. The newly attached event is also triggering after the original function is finished: Lifeline in IE7...