
Making C++ library Avaiable to .Net

I need to make a large c++ library avaiable for use in .Net languages such as C#. The library contains a large number of classes which can be broken into two groups. Refrence counted classes, which implement the IRefCounted abstract class and use a factory method to create them, and just plain classes using new/delete. In adittion ther...

Benefits of cross-platform development?

Are there benefits to developing an application on two or more different platforms? Does using a different compiler on even the same platform have benefits? ...

Cross-platform API for system information

I'm looking for a library that will provide this type of information: RAM Swap space Number of CPUs speed (CPU MHz) Number of cores Chip type Ultimately I'll be calling into it from Java, but a C library would be fine, which I can wrap with JNI. Platforms of interest include, but not limited to, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Windows. Thanks! ...

How can I cause the browser to navigate to a given URL from a Java applet?

I have a Java applet consisting of a wizard-like form with three steps. At the final step, the user can click a "finish" button. I want that button to cause the web browser to navigate to a specific URL. Question: Is there a way to cause the browser to navigate to a specific URL, in such a way that it will work across all modern browser...

WPF vs Silverlight 3.0

Silverlight 3.0 beta has just been announced at Microsofts Mix Conference in Las Vegas. Two features of the new beta are 3D-graphics and the ability to run applications outside of the browser, which to me seemed to be two of the major features that WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) previously offered over silverlight. I am currentl...

A Simple, 2d cross-platform graphics library for c or c++?

As in title, i need a 2d graphics library that is cross-platform, and provides simple functions, like in Basic; essentially, i only need to paint a pixel a certain color-I do not need hardware acceleration, or any kind of 3d support. I've found a couple ones, but they're not cross-platform. Anyone knows a solution for me? ...

Is there a cross-platform python low-level API to capture or generate keyboard events?

I am trying to write a cross-platform python program that would run in the background, monitor all keyboard events and when it sees some specific shortcuts, it generates one or more keyboard events of its own. For example, this could be handy to have Ctrl-@ mapped to "", so that every time some program asks me for my ema...

Link error with Cocotron

I've recently built a linux platform interface for Cocotron, and was able to build the Foundation framework with no errors. However, when linking my objective-C project, I get a linker error: /Developer/Cocotron/1.0/Linux/i386/Frameworks/Foundation.framework// undefined reference to `__gnu_objc_personality_v0' I've do...

C++ sockets library for cross-platform

Want to implement some network capabilities and I wonder what library should one use for cross-platform purposes. Have only java experience in sockets, so google gave a few tutorials using sys/sockets.h, library sockets++ and boosts asio, which all should be crossplatform capable. Basically I want to use tcp and ipv4 (maybe ipv6 later ...

wxNotebook Close Button?

I'm developing a notepad app using wxWidgets (the C++ version) and I'm working on implementing multi-file support. Using the wxNotebook class, I can't seem to find any documentation on adding a close button to the pages so I can easily close individual files. Is there a cross-platform way to enable this using the class itself? If not, wh...

Cross-Platform webcam access

I'm looking for a cross-platform video capture library, for webcam access. One that wraps V4L/V4L2 on Linux, DirectShow on Windows, and QuickTime on the Mac. C or C++ is preferred, but I can work in Java or Python if those have better options for libraries. ...

simple cross-platform c++ GUI console -- how to?

I'm writing a game and I'm wound up in needing a console for simple text input; filenames and simple values. Using SDL, my console looks the following at it's simplest: class Console { public: typedef std::list<String> InputList; enum Result { NOTHING = 0, ENTERED, ESCAPED }; static const String& GetInput() { return...

Cross platform GUI Programming with D

I want to start programming with D. I have a simple application in mind that needs a GUI but I want to make sure it's portable to Linux/Windows/Mac equally well and with minimal (no) change for each platform. wxD is looking like the contender of choice because I know the wx toolkit already. I see fltk4d as a contender and a (unfinishe...

Mature standard library for C

I'm looking for a library for C that gives me at least some of the things I really miss from C++ and the STL/Boost. (I have to use C, so please no "use C++" posts) I need dynamic strings (that grow and shrink automatically) some sort of list (std::vector replacement) something like stringstream (for type conversations & buffers) Fur...

How do you package clickable url's with your application?

I asked a similar question a while ago but didn't get a satisfactory answer, so I was wondering if there was a different approach a guy could take. What is the format for making a web link that you can deploy with your application? One that might show up in the start menu as a link to said app vendor's website. It should work in any m...

looking for free c++ cross platform GUI framework

Hello all im looking for cross platform GUI for free for commercial project ( that means i can't give the code ) no GPL and i guess no LGPL what else its leaving me ? wxWidgets ? Thanks ...

What would be a good programming language (or a set of libraries for C++) to interface with electronic components (stepper motors etc.)?

I'm not an electronics guy, so I might not be able to explain precisely what I need. This is a question a friend keeps asking me. What my friend is looking for is a programming language that would allow him to: Interface with hardware (via serial and USB ports). Write multithreaded code. Throw together UIs very quickly. Port his code ...

Looking for cross platform Packet Capture Library

Hello beside wincap , is there any recommended cross platform Packet Capture Library to use with c/c++ ? Thanks ...

osx & windows development -- for newbies

hello, my background: i've been developing web applications using php and javascript for the past ten years. before that, i've developed applications using turbo pascal for DOS. in my opinion application and web application development are two different kinds of development (at least it's what i think when i remember back the old days o...

Cross platform PHP caveats?

I've been given an existing PHP application that was originally deployed on a LAMP host. Because most of our team are .Net developers, our boss wants it deployed in a windows environment. Is it madness to expect this to just work? Here's some additional info of the LAMP host: Linux 2.4.32 PHP 5.2.6 No non-default modules ...