
Difficult Temporal Cross-Table Database Constraint

I have a particularly difficult business constraint that I would like to enforce at the database level. The data is financial in nature, and so must be protected from inconsistencies to the nth degree – no trusting the business layer with this stuff. I use the word "temporal" somewhat loosely, meaning that I intend to control how an enti...

Cross table update query in MySql

I can execute this kind of query in SQL Server update tblmembers set hits_archived = (select count(*) from tblhits where and tblhits.hitdate < '2009-11-01') where tblmembers.regdate < '2007-09-28' how can I do this in MySql 4.0.23? I tried to execute the query, return this error message...

cross table from two table in MySql

I have two tables, one parts_raised and another is parts_detail. parts_raised: SN(int),Job_Number(int),Category(varchar),Part_code(int),technician(varchar),Time (timestamp), Parts_detail: Part_code(int),Value(int),Descriptions(text), part_code is same in both table. How can i write query for achieving total count of jobs,and ...

How to express outer joins with cross tables as a single Linq expression

Following situation: There exists an array acting as crosstable (mergeSet). Additionally there exists a set of target values and a set of source values. The source values can be joined with the target values via the crosstable. - But how is it possible to express an outer join of, e.g., the...

Ccross table / object update with (Db)LINQ

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me out translating a MySQL query to (Db)LINQ statement. I’ve made a test case for what I want to do, so data and structure are different than what I really want to do, but it’s just meant to get it working. In a MySQL database I have this table: CREATE TABLE `mytable1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NUL...