
How to set Cursor type in JDBC?

I'm running tomcat and have some jsp pages that display a subset of a table. I show 20 rows at a time on a single page. When the table has large amounts of data, the jsp page doesn't render. I'm guessing that the ResultSet is using a client side cursor. I've worked with ASP in the past, and we always used server side forward only cur...

Qt: set a default cursor for an application

In a Qt application, is there an equivalent to QApplication::setFont that sets the applications default cursor, to be overwritten by setting one on a specific widget? QApplication::setOverrideCursor overrides all widget specific ones, I want local ones to take precidene over this one, but still use my cursor if I didn't specify one. t...

Dynamically add where clauses to a cursor in oracle

I have plsql procedure which accepts certain parameters e.g. v_name, v_country, v_type. I wish to have a cursor with a select statement like this: select column from table1 t1, table2 t2 where = v_name and = v_country and = and t2.type = v_type If certain parameters are empty can I only add the relevant...

VB.Net: Set Custom Cursor from Resource File

In my project I created a custom cursor (Window.cur). How can I assign that to the cursor without having to use the full file path to that file? VB.Net has My.Resources but it does not show the cursors that are embedded in the project. I found an example that used code like this: New Cursor(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssem...

How do cursors work in Python's DB-API?

Hi again, I have been using python with RDBMS' (MySQL and PostgreSQL), and I have noticed that I really do not understand how to use a cursor. Usually, one have his script connect to the DB via a client DB-API (like psycopg2 or MySQLdb): connection = psycopg2.connect(host='otherhost', etc) And then one creates a cursor: cursor = co...

Memory Leak in Custom Cursors

I'm trying to track down a memory leak and I think it has to do with the custom cursor images being used. A new cursor seems to get created and displayed every time a certain object is dragged around on the form, but I can not find anywhere it is being disposed. I've read that it needs to be destroyed, but I'm not sure how to go about ...

Create a semi-transparent cursor from an image

Is it possible to create a cursor from an image and have it be semi-transparent? I'm currently taking a custom image and overylaying the mouse cursor image. It would be great if I could make this semi-transparent, but not necessary. The sales guys love shiny. Currently doing something like this: Image cursorImage = customImage.GetThu...

SQL Cursor w/Stored Procedure versus Query with UDF

I'm trying to optimize a stored procedure I'm maintaining, and am wondering if anyone can clue me in to the performance benefits/penalities of the options below. For my solution, I basically need to run a conversion program on an image stored in an IMAGE column in a table. The conversion process lives in an external .EXE file. Here ar...

CSS Custom Cursors

This should be easy, but I am pulling my hair out! What tool do you use to create custom .CUR files for use in CSS? Are there any online GIF to CUR converters? Any plugins for PaintShop Pro that allow saving of CUR format? How about free downloadable libraries of cursors? ...

How do I create a Hierarchical Cursor from the dataProvider of an AdvancedDataGrid?

In a previous application that I had written, I had a Class that extended AdvancedDataGrid (ADG). It contained the following code: package { public class CustomADG extends AdvancedDataGrid { .... // This function serves as the result handler for a webservice call that retrieves XML data. private function...

How to I set the cursor to the Drag Copy/Move cursors in Win32?

It doesn't seem to be one of the standard cursors (like IDC_ARROW), so how can I load this? ...

Is It Possible To Create A Cursor In WPF From a VisualBrush?

I'm doing some Drag and Drop operations, and I want to use a visual copy of the element I'm dragging for the cursor. It's easy enough to get a VisualBrush of the element, but I have no idea how to turn this into a cursor. I've read the Jamie Rodriguez blog posts, but his solution isn't quite what I'm looking for because he essentially ...

moving mouse cursor off screen in C#

Hello Everyone, I have a wpf window that has a height of 2000 with an actual desktop height of about 1000. Obviously about half of the window is off screen. Even though the window extends below the screen, the mouse will not move down to that area. I do want this content to be off-screen, and I want the mouse to be able to move over ...

MSSQL Cursor for huge tables cannot allocate space

We are trying to set up a cursor to run through records generated from a join between two 'instances' of the same huge table (more than 150 M records). The following exception message comes out: Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.SORT temporary run storage: 165282123350016' in database 'tempdb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup...

Adobe Flex / as3: How to implement custom drag-and-drop cursors

Our product team has requested custom cursors during drag/drop operations. They have provided me with three images to implement: Open-Hand-Grabber.png: displays when a user hovers over an item that they can drag Closed-Hand-Grabber.png: item is being dragged Closed-Hand-Grabber-No-Drop: item dragged over an area where it cannot be dro...

What is wrong with Cursors ?

Hi, SQL Server developers consider Cursors a bad practise , except under some circumstances. They believe that Cursors do not use the SQL engine optimally since it is a procedural construct and defeats the Set based concept of RDBMS. However, Oracle developers do not seem to recommend against Cursors. Oracle's DML statements themselve...

WPF Wait Cursor With BackgroundWorker Thread

I want to show the hourglass cursor and disable the window while a BackgroundWorker process runs in another thread. This is what I'm doing: Private Sub MyButton_Click(...) Dim box As New AnotherWpfWindow() box.Owner = Me ... box.ShowDialog() If (box.DialogResult.GetValueOrDefault = True) Then Me.IsEnabled = ...

Error regarding cursor in SQL

Hi guys, following is my stored procedure. It contains a subquery Select StartTime From DrTimings Where DrID = @DrID If this subquery returns more than one value, I get an error. Subquery returns multiple rows. I want to get each @StartTime and @EndTime in cursor. Means I want to "fetch next from Doctor into @StTime and @EndTime" C...

Flex 3: How can I change the Mouse Cursor when mousing over a Text Input?

In Flex, by default, when you mouse over a Text Input the mouse cursor is changed to the standard I cross bar. How can I change this cursor so the regular mouse pointer cursor is shown rather than the I cross bar? update: Well, it seems this process is dirt simple in Flex 4 according to this blog post:

Oracle Ref Cursor Vs Select into with Exception handling

I have Couple of scenarios 1) need to read the value of a column from three different tables in a predefined order and only 1 tabel will have the data 2) read data from table1 if records are present for criteria given else Read Data from Table2 for Given Criteria In Oracle Stored Procedures The way these are being handled right ...