
Custom activities in Workflow 4.0: WorkflowElement or Activity/CodeActivity?

I'm evaluating the new version of Workflow Foundation (4.0), but I'm a bit confused about custom activities. I'm using the Beta 1 bits. I believe that if I want to create a custom activity I should extend WorkflowElement, and if I want my custom activity to hold other activities I should extend Activity. However, WorkflowElement appea...

Custom activity which is hold within another activity will be cloned by expanding to detail view

Hi there, i have a problem which is related to my custom activity in .net Workflow 4. My custom activity XActivity can hold other activities. Everything works fine even the displaying and executing. Except when i doublecklick on a custom activity for getting the detail view (expanding). Then the activity which is a child activity wil...

Custom activity designers in Workflow Foundation 3.5: How do they work?

Intent of this post: I realise that Workflow Foundation is not extremely popular on StackOverflow and that there will probably be not many answers, or none at all. This post is intended as a resource to people trying to customise workflow activities' appearance through custom designer classes. Goals: I am attempting to create a cust...

Binding output of Custom Activity designer to activity argument

I am trying to add a custom activity designer for an activity that I have. The activity looks a little like: public class WaitForUserInputActvitiy : NativeActivity { public InArgument<UserInteractionProperty[]> UserInteraction { get; set; } } I am trying to put a designer on the activity to make it a bit nicer to set these values ...

How can a WF4 Custom Activity determine that its in design mode v. executing mode

I have a WF4 custom activity with a custom designer (WPF). I would like to have slightly different behaviour in the CacheMetaData override depending on if the Activity is in Design or Execution mode. Edit: Reasons for requirement. We have validation that needs to look up the data from the web.config file (or one of its includes). At ru...

Style.Triggers causes VS2010 to crash

Hi all, I try to create a Triggers on my Workflow custom activities but I still do not manage to do it. I follow example from a book, if I use their sample code, it works perfectly. However if I code it myself, VS2010 always crashes. Here is the XAML code: <Style x:Key="RetryStyle" TargetType="{x:Type ContentPresenter}"> ...

Is it possible to programmatically edit a build definition in TFS Team Build 2010?

I am working on an automation project using team build 2010. I am wanting to update my build definition while the build is running with information that is supplied from one of my custom activities. So for example, I am going to have an argument in the team build definition that contains version information for the project. When the...

Workflow Foundation 4 - Results of ActivityFunc<bool> always false even though Execute Method shows true.

Ello, I'm having an issue with a custom activity that preforms an evaluation of a `ActivityFunc ` and returns false even though it is evaluated in Execute to be true. Here is my activity using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Activities; using System.ComponentModel; usin...