
Google App Engine: Saving a list of objects?

Hi. I need to save in my model a list of objects from a certain class on the datastore. Is there any simple way to archive this with ListProperty and custom property's without going into pickled/simplejson blob data? I just want something like this: class Test: pass class model(db.Model): list = db.ListProperty(Test) Loo...

Bind child object property with in rdlc (Report)

I have a custom object say "objMain" in which i have few properties and also the property of object type (i.e. like a child object). objMain has these properties: 1. Name [type: string] 2. Description [type: string] 3. StartDate [type: datetime] 4. ObjSubject [type: object] - this is of custom type ObjAddress has these properties 1. S...

Setting a dependency property's default value at design time in a Windows Workflow Foundation Custom Activity

Hi, I'm implementing a Custom Workflow and Activities to be reused in multiple projects and trying to get them to be as easy to use as possible. In this workflow I have a Property whose name is 'UserID' which I'd like to bind to a dependencyproperty in one of my activities. I can currently bind it at design time searching explicitly for ...

Silverlight + WCF Service with custom username/password

Hi, We have a WCF service with custom username/password authentication. The service runs over SSL. On our existing WPF application we pass the username and password combination to the service every time it is called (i.e. we don't have any sessions with the service). The credentials are stored in memory on the client application. Now...

Custom authorization in ADO.NET Data Services

I have an ADO.NET Data Service that exposes an Entity Framework data model (.edmx). I need to allow / reject reads/writes to certain entities for certain users. I use Windows Authentication. All I could find is overriding the OnStartProcessingRequest : protected override void OnStartProcessingRequest(ProcessRequestArgs args) { base...

jquery validate single key callback

Hi, I'm using jquery validate to validate my forms. I want to show a text field that is hidden when my This field is valid. That is i want call a method when a text field is valid(on text field change, before clicking submit). Any ideas? ...

WPF Custom Control and exposing properties thru DependencyProperty

Ok - I'm pulling my hair out over what I thought was a simple scenario: create a custom Label for bilingual use that contained two additional properties (EnglishText, FrenchText). Currently its structured like this: Public Class myCustomLabel Inherits System.Windows.Controls.Label Public myEnglishTextProperty As DependencyProp...

Custom User CSS in PHP?

I would like to add a feature onto my site that would allow a user to choose between multiple styles. I am quite new to PHP but I'm guessing it would be able to be done. I've seen this feature on other sites. How would I go about doing this or could somebody refer me to a tutorial or guide on how this can be done? Thank you. ...

Creating Dynamically Flex Custom ItemRender (Constructor)

Hi, am creating some Advanced Datagrid with actionscript. I have created an actionscript class where I extend the VBox object: package core { import mx.containers.VBox; import mx.controls.TextInput; public class customItemRender extends VBox { public function customItemRender(_TextInput:TextInput, _TextInput2:TextInput) { ...

Splitter leaving trail in winforms datagridview custom editing control

I've created a custom column for the datagridview. The editing control consists of a user control with a multline textbox and button placed on it. This all works fine unless I size a column left or a row up. The part of the splitter over the background of the user control is fine, but the part over the textbox or button leaves a trail b...

GWT Simple Drag and Drop for custom widgets

Are there any GWT gurus out there who can guide me on how to start with Drag and Drop in GWT for custom widgets. I have a build a simple tree structure by putting custom widgets inside an HTMLPanel (table rows) and want to be able to drag and drop each widget above or below other widgets but don't know where to start I am using 1.6. I ne...

Django how to save a custom formset

I've written the following custom formset, but for the life of me I don't know how to save the form. I've searched the Django docs and done extensive searches, but no one solution works. Lots of rabbit holes, but no meat ;-) Can someone point me in the right direction? // partial // @login_required def add_stats(request, grou...

Custom text color for certain indexes in QTreeView

I would like to draw texts in one of the columns in a QTreeView widget using a custom color (depending on the data related to each row). I tried to overload the drawRow() protected method and change the style option parameter like this (a stripped-down example): virtual void drawRow(QPainter* p_painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& optio...

Make properties available for data binding through some kind of interface in .NET?

I have a class that implements properties in a specific way, to handle some custom requirements for our business logic system. This "specific way" makes the properties non-operational in the context of data binding. Basically, if I drop an object of our class onto a form, data binding finds nothing on the object, and the property inspec...

Multiple BindingSource components necessary for just one data source?

As per my previous question, Make properties available for data binding through some kind of interface in .NET?, I managed, with the help of @Marc Gravell that by implementing the interface ICustomTypeDescriptor I can provide the form designer with custom properties that may or may not actually be visible on the component in question as ...

How to create custom GUI components?

Hi. Im a C# coder with a intresst in building new GUI components. Have seached google for some info on creating GUI components not belonging to any current standard, with out mutch luck. In short I want to be able to build my own components/controllers to be used for the application. The thing is I had an alternerate idea for creating...

Custom Django Form + Inline Error Messages

I'd like to know how can use Django's automatic form generation... <form action="/contact/" method="POST"> {{ form.as_p }} <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> To achieve the following output (note the custom field in the middle of the form and error class within the wrapping div). <form action="/contact/" method="P...

Custom Control and localization in Silverlight

I have a template called template1.xaml and when I call this in Page.xaml and bind a string to the custom control property called "Title" it works. for example: <Local:template1 Title="My Title" /> works in Page.xaml, but if I want to use Resx binding like this: <Local:template1 Title="{Binding Strings.Hello, Source={StaticResource S...

How do I change the upload page for a particular document library in SharePoint?

For a particular document library I need to navigate to a custom page when I click on the upload button in the toolbar. For other libraries I need the default upload as it is. Any ideas? ...

css custom checkbox layout

Hi, What I'm trying to accomplish is simple : change the layout of the browser checkboxes via CSS. Is it possible? Or do I need to use javascript for that? And how? Thanks in advance! ...