
Docking Custom Task Panes

I have developed two custom task pane addins to be used in Excel 2007. I set one to DockPosition = Left and the other to DockPosition = Top. This puts the Top pane all the way across the top, with the Left pane under it. Is there a way to force the Left pane so that it goes all the way to the top, which would move the Top pane over (mor...

Display HTML page in Office 2003 or 2007 task pane via VBA

Is it possible to display an HTML page in an Office 2003 and/or 2007 task pane via VBA? Background: We have a complicated configuration file that our users maintain in Word (using a real editor is not an option for our audience). We would like to create several toolbar buttons that display a basic HTML page in a task pane as a form of ...

Storing the selection changed behaviour of Word bookmark in XML format

I am attempting to put together a Word application using VSTO that, amongst other things would contain bookmarks that, when clicked, display information in a custom task pane. I would like to be able to export this document into XML, but if you simply save it in this format, the "pop up" behaviour is lost. I am intending to write an "ex...

Add a WPF UserControl to a TaskPane

I am developing an addin to Microsoft Outlook. The following code works fine if I use an winforms UserControl: private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var testControlView1 = new UserControl1(); var MyCustomPane = this.CustomTaskPanes.Add(testControlView, "Hello"); } How can I do it with...

Focus On / Activate CustomTaskPane in Excel

I am having difficulty programmatically activating / focusing on an existing, visible CustomTaskPane in Excel. Specifically, I am trying to create a routine that will shift focus from the active worksheet to a ListBox control in the CustomTaskPane upon some user action. The CustomTaskPane and ListBox are already visible at the time of ...