
Is Terra Compression possible? If so, please explain and provide samples.

Long Ascii String Text may or may not be crushed and compressed into hash kind of ascii "checksum" by using sophisticated mathematical formula/algo. Just like air which can be compressed. To compress megabytes of ascii text into a 128 or so bytes, by shuffling, then mixing new "patterns" of single "bytes" turn by turn from the first to t...

image compression for images from moving opengl objects

Hi I am new to the image compression. I have an opengl program that generates a moving 3D object continuously in a loop. I want to capture images periodically, compress them for transmission at a high rate (~30-40 fps). What would be a good image compression algorithm to use? Appreciate any suggestions or pointers. Thanks in advance. ...

Data Aggregation in SQL Server 2005

I need a query for SQl server 2005 (SQL server management studio express). I have data stored as 1 minute time frame (1 minute each row), for each table columns are ID, Symbol, DateTime, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume. I need to convert (compress) to every possibile multiple time frame, so let's say 10 minutes, 13, 15, and so on. Provid...