
Meta-Database Views / Data Integration

Is there a (free) tool or framework which allows defining views over multiple data backends (preferably for java and based on objects)? For example i have 2 databases: one database provides a table or class (doesn't matter much) PersonX(name, address), and the other one provides PersonY(name, dateOfBirth) Now i want to create a view wh...

Is there a way to read a Hibernate Session as RDF triples?

I need to query my local Hibernate managed datastore for persisted objects based on criteria where the relevant data for the WHERE clause is in the Linked Open Data cloud. Is there a way to read a Hibernate Session as RDF? If so, I can at least use the combined Dataset to decide what objects to retrieve from Hibernate. Preferably the s...

Good conventions for embedding schema of a flat file

We receive lots of data as flat files: delimitted or just fixed length records. It's sometimes hard to find out what the files actually contain. Are there any well established practices for embedding the schema of the file to the beginning or the end of a file to make the file self-explanatory? Just to get an idea, imagine something l...

How do you manage databases during development?

My development team of four people has been facing this issue for some time now: Sometimes we need to be working off the same set of data. So while we develop on our local computers, the dev database is connected to remotely. However, sometimes we need to run operations on the db that will step on other developers' data, ie we break as...

When to combine multiple apps to simplify their data integration?

Short version: We have multiple teams each developing multiple apps. They need to share some data. Should we combine these apps into one larger one to simplify data integration or should we keep them separate and utilize some data exchange/caching mechanism? Longer version: We have a number of teams each working on a set of applicati...