
What is the most efficient way to restore multiple databases in SQL 2008

Hi all, I'm in the process of doing a large scale server migration, as such I have to move 50+ SQL 2005 databases to a new SQL 2008 server installation. The DB guys have only given me a backup of each database, so I have a directory with some 50 .bak files sitting in a directory (ie c:\db) that I need to restore. I need to restore ea...

Books/articles/recommendations on how to write a tool to migrate database data from one version of a Hibernate enabled Java application to the next

We develop and support and application that uses Hibernate as an Object-Relational Mapping tool to persist our Java objects into the database. Unfortunately, there have been some changes in object model, and thus the database schema, between OurApp 1.0 and OurApp 2.0. So, we would like to write an automated tool to migrate the data from ...

Is Liquibase recommended for migrating production data from an old database schema to a new one?

I'm new to the world of data migration and looking into ways to migrate the data of customers using OurApp 1.0 to a new database with a schema compatible with OurApp 2.0. I've seen a more than a few people recommending Liquibase for database change management and database refactoring tasks, which to my newbie ears sounds like it may be ...

Where should I put a CSV file that I'm using to perform a data migration?

This may well be a duplicate, but I couldn't find anyone asking quite this question. My understanding* is that if I want to migrate data from an outside source to my Rails app's database, I should do so using a migration. It seems from my preliminary research that what I could do is use a tool like FasterCSV to parse a CSV file (for exa...

Migrating from Postgres to SQL Server 2008

I need to migrate a database from Postgres 7 to SQL Server 2008. I am familiar with the SSIS Import and Export wizard but I am stumped about how to define the data source or define the data provider. What is the best way to migrate Postgres to SQL Server, and how do I define data sources/drivers for postgres? ...

Simple database migration error in Rails

Hi, I am not able to create database columns when i use t.string or t.number. When i did rake db:migrate i got this C:\Ruby\joker\chapter3>rake db:migrate (in C:/Ruby/joker/chapter3) == CreateComicBooks: migrating =============================================== -- create_table(:comic_books) -> 0.0630s == CreateComicBooks: migrate...

Data transfer from tables from one server to another server.

In an event scheduler i need to transfer data from server1.DB.TableName to server2.DB.TableName I guess in sql server it can be done via linked server, did anyone implement using federated storage engine in mysql? if so pls. give your suggestions. Thanks in advance. ...

Migrator.Net - create from existing database

We are thinking of starting to use Migrator.Net and I was wondering if there is any way of creating/importing the existing schemas and creating the class files. It would be a lot of work to create them all by hand, but in all my searching I can't seem to find anything that will do this. ...

Data migration from MySQL to HSQL

I was working on migrating data from MYSQL to HSQL. In MYSQL data file, there are plenty of records where date values are set as '0000-00-00' and HSQL database throws below error "data exception: invalid datetime format / Error Code: -3407 / State: 22007" for all such records. I would like to know what could be optimum solution for t...

Data Migration : What way is the best way to Migrate?

hi All, I am doing data migration two database in MS SQL 2005. The records are more than 200000 nearly 300000. I need to query from source database using joins and insert 2 or 3 tables in destination databse. Which way is the best way to do so? Please suggest me. I am trying to write a program with VB.NET. If you have sample, please sh...

How should I migrate this data into these Sql Server tables?

Hi folks, I wish to migrate some data from a single table into these new THREE tables. Here's my destination schema: Notice that I need to insert into the first Location table .. grab the SCOPE_IDENTITY() .. then insert the rows into the Boundary and Country tables. The SCOPE_IDENTITY() is killing me :( meaning, I can only see a w...

Can't solve, "Can't merge models with two different entities named"

I'm working with a Core Data project in iOS 4.1 (targeting 3.1). When I add a Data Model version I get the dreaded "Can't merge models with two different entities named xxx" error." Cleaning Targets does not help. Deleting the build directory does not help. The only thing that solves the issue is deleting the previously installed version...

Design patterns to ease migration of SQL code between vendors

I am looking at ways which a developer can take advantage of implementation specific advanced features(T-SQL, PL-SQL etc) and at the same time makes it easy to migrate the ANSI compliant SQL code to a new database. By that I mean, how to efficiently abstract the ANSI compliant SQL code and move it across different databases? ...

Is it easier to scrape data for a gae app in dev and upload it to prod or should you scrape in prod?

I have to run a scraping task to collect data for my App Engine (Java) app. I'm not sure which is best - scrape data in development mode and upload it to prod or scrape it while the app is running in production. Does it make a difference? Are there any difficulties with bringing large quantities of data from one environment to the ot...

Version controlled South migrations in virtualenv

I have a Django site placed in folder site/. It's under version control. I use South for schema and data migrations for my applications. Site-specific applications are under folder site/ so they are all version-controlled along with their migrations. I manage a virtualenv to keep third party components dry and safe. I install package...