
DB2 Database Compare Tool

Does anyone know of a product similar to Red-Gate's SQL Compare that targets DB2? I am aware of DBDiff but need a tool that compares schema and stored procedures. Update: After some more google searching I will try using either UDB Workbench and DB Solo. ...

Simple database table comparison using DataTable.Merge and DataTable.GetChanges

We are converting our application from using Sql Server Express (let's call this version 3) to Sql Server Compact Edition (let's call this version 4). I am trying to make sure that upgrades from previous versions (versions 1 and 2) are the same in the new product (version 4) as the old (version 3). The upgrade code had to be rewritten fo...

Compare 2 database

I have 2 identical databases. abc15 and abc18. But one of the database has one extra table and I need to find that. I thought the following query should return it, but is it not showing the record that I expect. select * from information_schema.tables as a left join information_schema.tables as b on a.TABLE_SCHEMA=b.TABLE_SC...

SQL Database Comparison

I have two databases: DBTarget and DBTest. I've run several custom scripts on DBTest, so now DBTest and DBTarget should be identical in every way (Tables, Values in tables, Columns, SPROCS, etc.) Question: Is there an easy way to compare these two databases? The only strategy I can think of is: USE [DBTarget]; SELECT * FROM tblTableN...