
SQL database Structure

I've got a list of synonyms and need to create a database in SQL for it. I was thinking about using a Relational Database Design, but don't know if it would be the best. There will be a decent amount of traffic using this database. I was thinking about Table1 would be like Id Table2 Id InterlinkID (Table1 Id) Word Would this be th...

What's the best way to allow queries/views to see how tables looked in the past based on a datetime stamp in SQL Server 2008?

Scenario: We have a great deal of server environmental information (names, IPs, roles, firewall ports, etc.). Currently it's stored in a big Excel workbook on a SharePoint, which trivially allows for side-by-side comparisons of past versions of the data with current, for example. we're planning to move it into a SQL Server 2008 databa...

How can I control the creation of database indexes when using DataContext.CreateDatabase()

I am new to LINQ to SQL, but have done a lot of database development in the past. The software I just started working on uses: // MyDataContext is a sub class of DataContext, that is generated with SqlMetal MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext (connectionString); db.CreateDatabase(); to create the database when it is first run. I ne...

Best database design approach to join complex data to ASP.Net Membership tables

I'm looking to use a slightly modified ASP.Net Membership Provider to handle the standard user account creation/authentication/etc in a website. We have a fair amount of legacy data that I need to migrate in order to provide continuity with our existing users' saved information (like order history, wishlist, etc). [NOTE: We have to mi...

Why was Cassandra written in Java ?

Question about Cassandra Why the hell on earth would anybody write a database ENGINE in Java ? I can understand why you would want to have a Java interface, but the engine... I was under the impression that there's nothing faster than C/C++, and that a database engine shouldn't be any slower than max speed, and certainly not use garba...

How do you recommend I handle a database design where a USER can have many SKILLS?

Here's my database design: USER SKILLS id idUser email 1-------* description name selfAssesedLevel lastname yearsExperience ?skills? reference How could I handle this? I'm kind of lost on what I have to write down in ?skills? field of the USER table. ...

Need a little feedback about my database design, pretty straightforward.

I'm going to allow companies to register on my website and create job listings. I'm currently approaching the problem by creating a Company table with Name, Logo and Password fields. Then when a person registers he can say, "I belong to X company"; at this point, I'll request the password written in by the initial registrator. If she/he...

Mysql: enum confusion

I have an employee table, employee has interests, so the table can be designed like this: create table emp( id int(10) not null auto_increment, name varchar(30), interest varchar(50), primary key(id) ); or this: create table emp( id int(10) not null auto_increment, name varchar(30), interest enum('football','basketball','music...

naming convention for module specific schema

Our project constitutes of many modules (e.g. a HR management system containing modules like attendance, identity, reports ...) What would be a good naming convention for all the tables represented here.. Would you suggest having the same prefix for all modules (e.g. hrms_ide_user, hrms_rep_reports ..) OR something like ide_user, rep_r...

While doing TDD and adding features incrementally, do I design database ahead or add tables and columns while coding?

One of the most important opportunity TDD gives us, from my point of view, is to develop projects incrementally, adding features one by one, which means ideally we have working system at every point in time. What I am asking is, when the project involves working with a database, can we use this incremental approach for creating database ...

MySQL table creation GUI with good keyboard shortcuts? Windows or Web-based

This seems like a trivial thing, but one of the biggest slowdowns in my workflow has become logging in to phpmyadmin for creating and modifying tables- my biggest gripe is the complete lack of keyboard support. I just need a simple tool to generate (and run, ideally) create table and alter statements. Edit: after thinking on this a bit,...

Running a list of MySQL queries without using exec()

I've got a site that requires manual creation of the database tables on install. At the moment they are saved (along with any initial data) in a collection of .sql files. I've tried to auto-create using exec() with CLI MySQL and while it works on a few platforms it's fairly flakey and I don't really like doing it this way, plus it is h...

Storing PDF files as binary objects in SQL Server, yes or no?

I have to find a design decision for the following task: I have a SQL Server database and it contains a table of orders. PDF documents will be uploaded by users through a simple file upload from a web page and assigned to an order. There is not more than one document per order (perhaps no document, never more than one). For this purpose...

In what way does denormalization improve database performance?

I heard a lot about denormalization which was made to improve performance of certain application. But I've never tried to do anything related. So, I'm just curious, which places in normalized DB makes performance worse or in other words, what are denormalization principles? How can I use this technique if I need to improve performance?...

How do I link ASP.NET membership/role users to tables in db?

I am going to use forms authentication but I want to be able to link the users to some tables in the db for example If I have a class and students (as roles) I'll have a class students table. I'm planning to put in a Users table containing a simple int userid and ASP.NET username in there and put userid wherever I want to link ...

Can my database have a triangular relationship?

Take tables: User, Comment, Snippet. A User can have many Snippets. A Snippet can have many Comments. A User can leave many Comments. In turn, when I diagram things, I end up with something like a triangle. User 1-------------* Comment \ / \ / *Snippet 1 ...

Good db table design: One table mixing different entities or separate table for each entity

What is better database design? Having one big table that could contain different "types" of records eg: employees, cars, cell-phones, and in order to identify each type of record, we have a column called type. So the table would have columns that look like id | type | name 1 | car | Ford 2 | car | Toyota 3 | phone | motorola 4 |...

Adding a blog feature to existing Rails app

I'm looking for some db design help. I have an existing application that I'd like to add the following features to: Support the concept of a Site Blog Allow members to each have their own blog Admins can post to the Site Blog, Members can post to their own member blog Since a Site can only have one blog, and each member can only h...

Business objects and where to start?

I am in the process of creating a new database and moving old data into it. I would like to create Business Objects for the new system and looking at the old system, it looks like the objects are based on the tables in the old database. Is this the correct way to create business objects? ...

Help with Database Design

I have four tables: ItemCategory, Items, DiamondCategoy and Diamonds. The users store item details and specify whether it has a diamond on, for example: ItemCategory: Ring Item: R1 If there is a diamond then: DiamondCategory: Round Diamond: D1 So R1 of Ring has D1 of Round An Item could have no diamonds, for example: ItemCategor...