
What are appropriate ways to represent relationships between people in a database table?

I've got a table of people - an ID primary key and a name. In my application, people can have 0 or more real-world relationships with other people, so Jack might "work for" Jane and Tom might "replace" Tony and Bob might "be an employee of" Rob and Bob might also "be married to" Mary. What's the best way to represent this in the databa...

database design - empty fields

Hey, I am currently debating an issue with a guy on my dev team. He believes that empty fields are bad news. For instance, if we have a customer details table that stores data for customers from different countries, and each country has a slightly different address configuration - plus 1-2 extra fields, e.g. French customer details may...

How to translate the fields of a database model?

I have some tables/models in a web app that will have multilingual content. For example a university, with it's description in a default language(english) and the user wants he can see the same information in another language( if the object has it's fields translated). If there were only a few languages then I would just add fields like ...

design an extendable database model

Hi! Currently I'm doing a project whose specifications are unclear - well who doesn't. I wonder what's the best development strategy to design a DB, that's going to be extended sooner or later with additional tables and relations. I want to include "changeability". My main concern is that I want to apply design patterns (it's a univer...

Three level database - foreign keys

I have a three level database with the following structure (simplified to only show the primary keys): Table A: a_id Table B: a_id, b_id Table C: a_id, b_id, c_id So possible values for table C would be something like this: a_id b_id c_id 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 ...

Schemas and tables versus user-ids in a single table using PostgreSQL

I'm developing a web app and I've come to a fork in the road with respect to database structure and I don't know which direction to take. I have a database with user information that I can design one of two ways. The first is to create a schema and a set of tables for each user (duplicating the structure for each user) and the second i...

database design suggesion

Hi , am going to start new travel site, I want some advise from guru's regarding database design , Things coming to picture are, Book taxi online , This is the core idea, So i like to implement lot of jquery,ajax stuff in my site , Main thing site must run veryt fast,safe,security, In mysql , which typw shall i use, MYISAM OR INNODB ...

Should we denormalize database to improve performance?

We have a requirement to store 500 measurements per second, coming from several devices. Each measurement consists of a timestamp, a quantity type, and several vector values. Right now there is 8 vector values per measurement, and we may consider this number to be constant for needs of our prototype project. We are using HNibernate. Test...

4GB limitation on these embedded/express DBs good enough? what's next if limitation is reached?

I'm wondering how long a (theoretically) desktop-app can consume the full 4GB limitation of these express/embedded database products (SQL-Server Express, Oracle Express, SQLite3, etc) provided that big blobs will be stored in filesystem. Also what would be your strategy when it hits the 4GB? Archive the old DB Copy 1-3 months of data...

Foreign key on a child table dependant on parent field

Using SQL2005/2008. Let's say I have a Hotel table (HotelID, HotelName) and a Room table (RoomID, HotelID, RoomName) Hotel -> Room 1:M by HotelID RoomID is PK inside Room Now I have a Contract table (ContractID, HotelID, ContractDescription) and ContractRate (ContractRateID, ContractID, RoomID, Rate) All primaries and foreign key...

Need to work out database structure

Hi, Just need a little kickstart with this. I have Mysql/PHP, and I have 5,000 products. I have 30 companies I need to store some data for those 30 companies for each product as follows: a) prices b) stock qty I also need to store data historically on a daily basis. So the table... It makes sense that the records will be the ...

Resources to learn about engineering aspects of data analytics (OLAP, warehousing, ETL, etc.)

I'm a math/stats guy, interested in learning more about the engineering aspects of "data analytics" (probably an overly broad term, but this is definitely a case of "I don't know what I don't know", so I'm not sure how to be more specific). I'm fine with manipulating and analyzing the data once it's already stored somewhere and I can ac...

split a database web application - good idea or bad idea?

split a database web application - good idea or bad idea? Application1 uses database1 on ServerX Application2 uses database2 on ServerY Both application communicates over web service API, they are apart of the same application, one application is used to manage user's profile/personal data, while the other application is used to ma...

c# - pull records from database without timeout

Hi folks, i have a sql query with multiple joins & it pulls data from a database for processing. This is supposed to be running on some scheduled basis. So day 1, it might pull 500, day 2 say 400. Now, if the service is stopped for some reason & the data not processed, then on day3 there could be as much as 1000 records to process. This...

Why do we need Audit Columns in Database Tables?

Hi I have seen many database designs having following audit columns on all the tables... Created By Create DateTime Updated By Upldated DateTime From one perspective I see tables from the following view... Entity Tables: Good candidate for Audit columns) Reference Tables: Audit columns may or may not required. In some case last...

How can I implement a list over an eventually consistent database?

I want to implement lists and queues over Cassandra, Riak, or any other eventually consistent store. Is this possible and how could I do it? I am looking for a general purpose algorithm. ...

How to use multiple identity numbers in one table?

I have an web application that creates printable forms, these forms have a unique number on them, the problem is I have 2 forms that separate numbers need to be created for them. ie) Form1- Numbered 2000000-2999999 Form2- Numbered 3000000-3999999 dbo.test2 - is my form information table Tsel - is my autoinc table for the 3000000 ser...

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold data gathered from several customers. The goal of the database is to acquire aggregate benchmark numbers over several customers. Recently, I have become worried with the fact that one table in particular will be getting very ...

How to reduce log file size in Sybase Anywhere 11 during a Load statement

I've got a LOAD statement in a Sybase Anywhere 11 DB that I fire off. The problem is that it's an insert of about 500k records. In my transaction log, I see tons of inserts (in addition to my load) that look this: SET n1 = n1 || [SOME LARGE HEX VALUES]. I know LOAD statements are just inserts, but is there anyway for me to just log a L...

Schema design: many to many plus additional one to many

Hi, I have this scenario and I'm not sure exactly how it should be modeled in the database. The objects I'm trying to model are: teams, players, the team-player membership, and a list of fees due for each player on a given team. So, the fees depend on both the team and the player. So, my current approach is the following: **teams** ...