
How to Apply CssClass to header cell of DataGrid HyperLinkColumn?

Hi - I have a block of code, that essentially is this: <asp:DataGrid> <Columns> ... <asp:BoundColumn HeaderText="Bar" ...> <itemstyle CssClass="foo"> </asp:BoundColumn> And this outputs <table> <tr> <td>Bar</td> <td class="foo">...</td> <td class="foo">...</td> ...

Nested Silverlight Datagrid - Row Details works great, but I want a button!

I'm using a silverlight 3 datagrid, and within it, I'm nesting related records in another control by using the rowdetails (visibilitymode = visiblewhenselected). I really like how this works, but I'd much rather have the grid display the row details when a "+" button is pressed, much as a tree will expand when you click a node. I tried...

WPF DataGrid column widths and reordering

I have a DataGrid defined as <wpftoolkit:DataGrid x:Name="AccountsDataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Accounts}" ColumnReordered="DataGrid_ColumnReordered" SelectionUnit="FullRow" RowHeaderWidth="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignmen...

Silverlight DataGrid Refresh Between Xaml Files

Hello, I have a Page.xaml file and a AddNewProject.xaml. In the Page.xaml file I have a ProjectDetailsDataGrid and a button to add a new Project. When I click on the Add New Project button the AddNewProject.xaml file becomes visible for the user to enter new project information. I am having a problem trying to refresh the ProjectDeta...

C# WPF datagrid: ItemsSource

I want to know how you can modify properties of columns of a WPF toolkit datagrid once the ItemsSource has been set (it is set in XAML)? For example I want to make a specific column have the property IsReadOnly equal to true. So basically there are two things I want to know: -How can I get access to a specific column once the ItemsS...

Silverlight: Restrict RowDetailsTemplate width to it's parent DataGrid's width.

Hello, I'd like to bind the Width of my RowDetailsTemplate to the Width of my DataGrid, so that the row details are not surrounded with scroll bars. Here's the problem: Notice that the RowDetailsTemplate contains hidden content that must be scrolled into view - which is terrible. The user must drag the scroll bar at the very bottom ...

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

Hi, I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGr...

C# WPF datagrid: Column count always equal to 0

I have created a WPF tooklit datagrid in C# and the ItemsSource is set in the XAML. The columns are automatically generated. I am trying to do a datagrid that uses an ObservableCollection, pretty much like what is on this website. At the bottom you will find a sample that you can download (here is the link) My problem is that I'm try...

adding logic to datagrid item template

Dear All, how would you go about adding logic to a datagrid item template? In my datagrid, i want to add a logic to it. that is, if the result for the data equals to "Yes", an "asp:label" control will be displayed; otherwise a "asp:imagebutton" control will be shown <ItemTemplate1> <% if DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "boflag").e...

Controlling the cache of a DataGrid

Hi there, I have implemented a virtual-scrolling DataGrid with an underlying QueryReadStore as follows <span dojoType="" jsId="logsStore" url="./" requestMethod="post"></span> <div class="logsListContainer" style="align: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0px" > <table height="100%" id="logs" jsI...

Why don't my scrollbars work properly when programmatically hiding rows in silverlight Datagrid?

I have a Silverlight datagrid with custom code that allows for +/- buttons on the lefthand side and can display a table with a tree structure. The +/- buttons are bound to a IsExpanded property on my ViewModelRows, as I call them. The visibility of rows is bound to an IsVisible property on the ViewModelRows which is determined based on w...

Move multiple rows from a tree component to a dataGrid.

I'm working on drag-and-drop capabilities between a tree and a datagrid. The dataProvider of the tree is XML and the dataProvider of the dataGrid is an arrayCollection. I have it fully working when moving a single item from one to the other, but allowing multiple selections is failing. When the elements moved are leaf nodes, the follo...

Flex: Group items in DataGrid

I have a DataGrid with info like this: Associate Amount Time Customer John Doe 2 9am Sam Smith John Doe 2 10am Berry Cooper Bill Ace 1 9am Sandy James Repeating the name and amount gets redundant so I would like it to look something like this: Associate Amount John Doe 2 Bill Ace 1 Then when you select one, ...

Datagrid with RadioButtonGroup itemrenderer

Hi There, I don't know how to do this, tried several things now, so I will ask. The below shows what I want. I just don;t know how to get it working. I have an AC with several questions and assoicated answers. These must be shown in a DG, and the idea is that the rows and colums of the DG are bound to the AC. For example, if the answer...

Save Silverlight DataGrid sort

I have a Silverlight 2.0 DataGrid that contains a list of items that needs to be refreshed in an interval to display the up-to-the-minute information. There are items in this grid that may be added and may be removed while the screen is being displayed to the current user. For Example: If grid looks like the following, then after a m...

wpf datagrid extra column in header on left

I keep getting this button in the header, I can click on the button to select all rows. This misaligns the data from the header. Any ideas? Thanks in Advance. Datagrid image via link: <dg:DataGrid.Columns> <dg:DataGridTextColumn Header="Description" Widt...

Flex: Update data-base after drag-move?

OK I have an AdvancedDataGrid. The data I feed it is XML that looks like this: <stat associate="Sam Smith" date="07/08/09" customer="James Frank"/> <stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-08" customer ="Amanda Jones"/> <stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-09" customer ="Henry Scott"/> But I am grouping by associate so it ends up look...

How do you reference an entry immediately after it's been added to a dataGrid.

I have a drag-and-drop event form in a flex project. I need to run a validator right after the item is dragged into the dataGrid. In it, I fire off a function through dragDrop="verifyEventUsers()". In the validator, I compare the contents of the two arrayCollections, but it appears to be running the checks prior to completion of the d...

Modifying a DataTable

Situation: Hello! I am trying to populate a WPF toolkit DataGrid with a MS Access database. Here is what I have right now (it works): //Load the datagrid with the database private void LoadDataGrid(string filename, string path) { string databaseConn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + ...

Datagrid not updating

con.Open(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM `call`", con); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "call"); dataGridView1.DataSource = dataset; dataGridView1.Update(); Here is the above code It runs fine but there is nothing in the datagrid ...