
How can I target a Flex 3 datagrid in MXML from Actionscript?

I have a datagrid defined in an mxml file (flex 3): I am using an external class to connect to a sqlite database and generate some results (this is working and I can trace the results). How can I target the datagrid generated in the mxml from the external class? I have tried: Application.application.resultsGrid.dataProvider = result...

Can I detect a datagrid column being sorted in Silverlight?

I need to be able to load a page of results into the grid from many tens of thousands of possible results. I want to get the data in pages of fifty from the server, using SQL Server to sort the data before returning it for binding to the datagrid. When the user sorts the dta in the datagrid by clicking a column header, I need to detect t...

How to bind a custom Enum description to a DataGrid

Problem: I have an enumerated type which has description tags in the following style: [URL=""]description tag tutorial[/URL] . I have a Windows SQL Server Database from which I am pulling the data (as integers then castine to Enums) which is then being bound to a datagrid. Instead of pulling an...

robust, mature, extensible (JavaScript) datagrid?

Hello, I'm looking for a nice client-side way of presenting data for a web application that will mostly consist of datagrids. It doesn't have to be JavaScript, but it seems to be the most logical choice, because I like JavaScript. Also, I am not considering Flex. So far I came up with the following (JS only): Ingrid jqGrid ExtJS gri...

How to deselect a flex datagrid row by clicking on it?

I have a question for a simple thing that there doesn't seem to be a simple solution to. I have a datagrid, and the rows should be deselected if it's clicked on and already selected. How to do that? I'm looking at the different "item"-events but the row is already selected when they are dispatched, so there is no way to tell if it was a...

Is there any way of checking if a DataGrid in Silverlight has Focus ?

I have a Silverlight DataGrid of which I need to check if it has Focus. I know there is a method to set Focus and an event for GotFocus but can't see anyhting for checking if it has focus. Any Ideas ? ...

Why can I bind to ListBox but not to DataGrid in WPF?

I set up LINQ-to-SQL / NorthWind in WPF. The ListBox shows data but the DataGrid doesn't (no errors, just doesn't display anything). I referenced WPFToolkit.dll. Why is the DataGrid not displaying the data that ListBox can? XAML: <Window x:Class="TestLinq343.Window1" xmlns="

What are some good WPF Datagrid usage examples?

Where can I find some good examples of populating the WPF datagrid with data using LINQ? ...

Change font of cell in DataGrid on Windows Mobile

I'm using VS 2005 to create a Windows Mobile program in C#. I need to display data in a grid. The only grid control I could find for Windows Mobile is DataGrid, so I placed one on my form. I now need to change the width of some columns and the font & color of some cells. How do I do this? Also is there is a better control to use for...

Reading Xml into a datagrid in C#

Whats the best way to read Xml from either an XmlDocument or a String into a DataGrid? Does the xml have to be in a particular format? Do I have to use A DataSet as an intermediary? I'm working on a client that consumes Xml sent over from a Server which is being developed by one of my colleagues, I can get him to change the format of ...

WPF ListBox ListCollectionView anonymous type navigation problem

Example of problem: Framework: WPF Visual control: DataGrid from CodePlex public Window() { InitializeComponent(); var listView = new ListCollectionView( new[] { new { Bool = false, Str = "Value1" }, new { Bool = false, Str = "Value1" }...

How do I bind my controls in a WPF DataGridTemplateColumn to a DataTable?

I have a DataGrid bound to a DataTable that I want to make custom columns for using a DataGridTemplateColumn, but I'm not sure how to reference the value in the cells of the DataTable. Every example I see online either binds the DataTable and doesn't change the templates, or uses a custom object and references the properties of the bound...

DataGrid for Zend Framework

Can you recommend good data grid component for Zend Framework? ...

Dynamically Add a Row to a Gridview at Runtime

Is it possible to add a row to a gridview at runtime? I need to add a default row(sometimes) and then add an adhoc row after the bound row based on a value in the bound row. gridView.DataSource = source; /// Create a new Default Row here gridview.DataBind(); AND OnDataBound(object sender, DataGridEventArgs e) //evaluate each row and...

Programmatically create WPF DataGridTemplateColumn for DataGrid

I would like to be able to programmatically create DataGridTemplateColumns based on my data source. For example, if my source has a date in a particular column I would like to be able to utilize a Datepicker control. I know this is easily accomplished with xaml and a DataGridTemplateColumn at design-time, however, how would I accomplis...

C# doubt in data Grid

I have a DataGrid which displays the available Classes and Methods in an Assembly. Here i ave attached the picture of dataGrid Now my task is to Generate testCases based on the values in the DataGrid. Here are few test Cases. namespace proj.Test { using System; using NUnit.Framework; using proj; ...

Possible to call a function inside BoundColumn.DataField?

<asp:BoundColumn DataField="pos" HeaderText="Principal Office" /> would it be possible to somehow... <asp:BoundColumn DataField="postProccess(pos)" HeaderText="Principal Office" /> I could modify the value as needed? CRAP: A field or property with the name 'postProcess(pos)' was not found on the selected data source. Anyon...

Only show X rows from DataGrid

Hi, I want to post my 5 recent twitters on my website. I've build a datagrid with XMLTextReader in C# which reads the feed but the problem I face is that it shows ALL the feeds and I can't find a way to only show 5. Any idea's? XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("http://some.rss/feed.rss"); DataSet ds = new DataSet...

How to bind XML to a data.grid in Silverlight.

I have an app that receives XML from a server. I want to bind the data to a data grid and it would be grate if the grid auto generated the columns. So far I have tried to this much in my code. XAML page: <data:DataGrid x:Name="Status" ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="True"> </data:DataGrid> Code behind for the page: void...

Getting Data from a DataGrid

I'm populating a C# DataGrid with some values, and I'd like to retrieve a value from a cell when I click on that. How do I go about doing that with the .NET 1.1 Framework? datagridview1 is not available in .net1.1 only for windows applications ...