
check if datapicker is open

hi i have a field with a datapicker. i want know if it is open. i've tried with: $("#filter_date").datepicker( "widget" ).is(":visible") but it returns always true. how can i do? thanks ...

How do I get selected date set by jQuery UI Datepicker

I'm setting the start date of an event using jQuery UI Datepicker. Now I need to retrieve the date I selected. I'm trying to use $('#startDate').datepicker('getDate'), but this returns NULL. Using FirBug, I see that the input value is nothing> <input type="text" name="startDate" value="" id="startDate" class="hasDatepicker"> So how ca...

JQuery UI Datepicker: Making a clickble link

Hello, sorry for the bad English It is necessary for me, that at click under the link (sample: 28 April 2010), under it the jquery.datapicker opened To use <a></a> instead of <input type="text" /> ...