
Idatareaders not returning values from database

In my codebehind I have this vb: Dim reader as idatareader = includes.SelectDepartmentID(PageID) While reader.Read Did = reader("departmentid") GroupingHeading = reader("heading") Folder = reader("folder") If reader("OwnBanner") Is DBNull.Value Then OwnBanner = Str...

Error in DropDownList using ASP.NET

Hey, I have a DropDownList called (DDL) in page, I want that DDL contains some records of a table in the data base. So I did this : DDL.DataSource = myDataReader DDL.DataBind() But it's giving me (5 records) "the number of records of the table" but like this : System.Data.Common.DataRecordInternel System.Data.Common.DataRe...

Displaying data from DataReader in Label control (ASP.NET)

Hey, I have a query that returns one row so I want to display it in the Label, but I can't find the property DataSource on it. How can I do this ? ...

problem with DataReader ASP.NET (Visual Basic)

Hey, I have this problem : [InvalidOperationException: No data exists for the row / column.] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.DoValueCheck(Int32 ordinal) +1029063 System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetInt32(Int32 ordinal) +12 ASP.addsousvoyage_aspx.hdVoyage_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\ZiGi\Des...

Spring batch datareader returns extra null object on end of collection of read items?

I'm using Spring batch - using datareaders to load up lists of items. For each of my readers, they all return an extra null object on the end of the list. Has anybody seen this before? What am I doing wrong? ...

C# How can I get each column type and length and then use the lenght to padright to get the spaces at the end of each field.

I have a console application that extracts data from a SQL table to a flat file. How can I get each column type and length and then use the lenght of each column to padright(length) to get the spaces at the end of each field. Here is what I have right now that does not include this functionality. Thanks { var destinatio...

how can i loop through all of the columns of the OracleDataReader

I have the following code and i want to loop through all the fields in the result of this query and populate the dictionary called field. Given a datareader is this possible? OracleCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); string sql = "Select * from MYTABLE where ID = " + id; command.CommandText...

How can I grant datareader to a sql role?

Is it possible to grant the datareader privileges to a SQL Server Database Role rather than a User? ...

Failed IErrorInfo.GetDescription with E_FAIL (0x80004005) ASP.NET

Hello; I'm trynig to connect to a database, but I get this error : Failed IErrorInfo.GetDescription with E_FAIL (0x80004005) Dim ReqTest As String Dim MR As OleDbDataReader Dim cne, idc As Integer ReqTest = "SELECT * FROM READ" MR = Connexion.lecture(ReqTest) MR.Read() With : Public Shared Function lecture(ByVal requete As St...

Knowing what input radio is selected on ASP.NET (VB)

Hello, I'm creating input radio dynamicly on a ASP.NET page using PlacHolders. While reader.Read Dim ltr As New Literal() Dim ltr1 As New Literal() Dim ltr2 As New Literal() Dim ltr3 As New Literal() Dim ltr4 As New Literal() ltr.Text = reader.GetString(2) & "<br />" PlaceHolder2.Controls.Add(ltr) ltr1.Text = "<form> <input type = radi...

Get the number of Rows returned by a OleDbDataReader ASP.NET (VB)

Hey, After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ? Thanks. ...

Go back to the previous row usning DataReader on ASP.NET (VB)

Hey, How can I go back to the previous row using OleDbDataReader. I know that DataReader just advance to the next row using DataReader.Read(), but how can I go back to the previous row. ???!! ...

[OleDbException (0x80004005): Not specified error]

Hey, I created a button (Next) to navigate in a Table called CHAPTERS; My problem is that the button work Two, and sometimes three times. After that I get [Not specified error]. This is my code : Dim S As Integer = Integer.Parse(Request.QueryString("id")) Dim RQ As String Dim DR As OleDbDataReader RQ = "SELECT ID_C FROM CHAPTRES" ...

Populate an Array of Object Based on DataReader Data

Hi. I am not sure how to phrase my question properly but I want to achieve something like this. I have a class named Products public class Products private ID as Integer private Name as String Public Property ProductID() Get Return ID End Get Set(ByVal value) ID = value End Set End Property In one of my code behin...

SqlHelper.ExecuteReader results varying and unexpected when certain number of records are returned...

Note: You may not need to read the whole thing to know what's wrong... skip down to the part about the 3 scenarios if you'd like. Only read the begin if you'd like some background info on how I've tried implementing this and where the errors occurred. To begin with, I'm trying to retrieve a list of Clients stored in the CRM_Clients tabl...

Iterate twice through a DataReader

Hi, I need to iterate twice through a DataReader. Is there a way to do this without using DataSets and without running the query twice? I'm using C#, by the way. Thanks ...

DataReader.GetString() via columnname

Dictionary Fields = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { Fields.Add(reader.GetName(i), i); } this._MyField1 = reader.GetString(Fields["field1"]); this._Myfield2 = reader.GetInt16(Fields["field2"]); doing this makes me want to cry but i can't seem to figure out how to use the type specfic retrieval meth...

data reader in

Please help, how do I make a while loop equivalent of this for loop. So that I could read from one row in the table of mysql database and display it on the combobox in I use this code, but its definitely not useful if there are 3 or more items that are added in the row: Dim i As Integer Dim rdr As Odbc.OdbcDataReader ...

Random DataReader errors and thread-specific DataContext allowing for changing DataLoadOptions.

My .NET MVC project has reached the stage of testing with multiple users and I am getting seemingly random errors (from any screen in the site) relating to Linq2Sql DataReader issues, such as: 'Invalid attempt to call FieldCount when reader is closed.' and 'ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current...

DataReader with parametrs;

Hello, Everyone! I am currently struggling with MySQL database with DataSet. The thing is that it uses loads of memory(as I found somewhere over the net it uses almost 4x memory rather than when you are using DataReader). What I was thinking is to make a function that will use DataReader for the SQL SELECT command. What I am currently t...