
Customizing pdf output of dblatex

I am writing a report using Docbook and i want to customize the way that dblatex converts Docbook to Pdf. This page is supposed to document this issue but it really doesn't help me. How can i learn how the latex style package works? ...

Logo in left corner of PDF, dblatex

I am writing docbook XML and would like a header, footer in every page of the produced PDF document. I have a simple foo.xml, and I have used \cfoot[]{} in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/dblatex/dbk_headfoot.sty to use a footer text that works. I would like to put a logo on the left corner of every page on the pdf that dblatex generates. ...

Docbook Dblatex - how to omit header on first page of chapter?

Hi, I'm using dblatex to convert a book formatted using Docbook into a PDf, and everything is working great, however for the life of me I can't figure out how to suppress the inclusion of a header on the first page of each chapter? Of course I want that page to "count" in terms of the overall page count, however I don't want the book ti...