
DBMetal generating an invalid class for sqlite_sequence

I'm using DBLinq and DBMetal.exe to generate Linq-to-SQL like classes off an SQLite database. Every time I use DBMetal to regenerate my DataContext, it generates a class for sqlite_sequence. The trouble is is that sqlite_sequence isn't a proper table, so the class isn't complete. The question is, can DBMetal.exe do a better job of gener...

How can i use DBLinq >> DBMetal tool with sqlite?

Please provide samples of command line tool dbmetal to generate code file from a sqlite database. ...

DbMetal chokes on repeated foreign key references in SQLite - any ideas?

I've been struggling to get DbMetal to process my SQLite database. I finally isolated the problem. It won't allow a table to have two foreign key references to the same column. For example, a SQLite database with these two tables will fail: CREATE TABLE Person ( Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Match ...

DBMetal (SQLite): "Sequence contains more than one element" with multiple foreign keys

When trying to create a C# file using DbMetal (as part of DbLinq), I get the following error: DbMetal: Sequence contains more than one element It's only appearing when I reference multiple foreign keys as part of my primary key. The following is the DDL for my table causing issues: CREATE TABLE [QuestionChoice] ( [Questionair...

Why does DbMetal Generate Table Attribute with "main"?

I'm a newbie with DBLink and Sqlite. When DbMetal generates Nortwind.cs (C#) it marks some methods with a Table attribute: [Table(Name="main.Categories")] // C# After I used DbMetal to create a Nortwind.vb (VB.Net) file, the test program aborted because there was no table named "main.Categories". However, when I removed "main.", it ...