
Exporting/updating to a data source using a DataSet with a variable schema

I'm using a tree structure in an application I'm writing, and have written recursive methods that will iterate down the tree and populate a number of new DataTables with values. I want to be able to export these tables to a data source, and then later update that data source when the tree or members of the tree change. There are a few ...

Is there a generic way to create a data source from a DataSet?

I'm working on an application that generates a ADO.Net DataSet, which I want to be able to export to various data source types. I'd like to keep my export code generic so that I could switch between exporting to an MS Access file, SQL Server, MS Excel or other data source types with out creating a lot of duplicate code. DbProviderFactor...

DbProviderFactory with Npgsql?

I have a project which I'm trying to port from SQL Server to PostgreSQL. I've got almost everything done I believe except for I can not get DbProviderFactory to work with Npgsql. Factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Npgsql"); yields Unhandled Exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Failed to find or...