
LINQ to SQL Deferred Loading

DBML I have the following entities in my dbml: (made up for an example) Book <- Media -> AuthorsForMedia <- Author The arrows are the relationships in my dbml. A book is a type of media, and an instance of a book has a media property with the values common to all media in it. AuthorsForMedia is an intersecting table with an AuthorI...

Forcing a checkbox bound to a DataSource to update when it has not been viewed yet.

Here is a test framework to show what I am doing: create a new project add a tabbed control on tab 1 put a button on tab 2 put a check box paste this code for its code (use default names for controls) public partial class Form1 : Form { private List<bool> boolList = new List<bool>(); BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();...

Lazy/deferred loading of a CollectionViewSource?

When you create a CollectionViewSource in the Resources section, is the set Source loaded when the resources are initalized (i.e. when the Resources holder is inited) or when data is bound? Is there a xamly way to make a CollectionViewSource lazy-load? deferred-load? explicit-load? ...

Defer Eclipse Treeviewer loading by DeferredTreeContentManager

I understand there is an approach to defer TreeViewer loading by using DeferredTreeContentManager, learnt from this useful tutorial. However, this mechanism requires the model to implement IDeferredWorkbenchAdapter interface, which introduces problem to my legacy immutable model classes. Is it possible to use DeferredTreeContentManager ...

Is there a per-property deferred loading option in Linq-to-Entities as there was in Linq-to-Sql

First I want to pre-thank anyone who helps with this. Back when I was programming in Linq-to-Sql there was a per-property option for deferred loading which was perfect for excluding large binary fields in a table without actually having to write special select statements to exclude each one. I can re-architect the database to make the b...

Deferred loading of RadGrid and strange error in firefox

Hi all, I have some strange issues with loading of RadGrid. What I'm trying to accomplish is deferred loading user control from web service. This technique is explained on this link: In explorer and chrome works fine except, styling of a grid is not a...