
Disable automatic DLL loading in C++

My scenario is as follows: my application depends on a certain DLL (I use it's lib during linkage). However, when my application executes, I want to explicitly load that DLL using LoadLibrary. However, by default, when the code reaches a scope where that DLL is needed, the environment automatically look it up, and then loads it. I want t...

C# - Set Custom Path to Referenced DLL's?

I've got a C# project (call it "MainProj") which references several other DLL projects. By adding these projects to MainProj's references, it will build them and copy their resulting DLL's to MainProj's working directory. What I'd like to do is have these referenced DLL's be located in a subdirectory of MainProj's working directory, i....

ajax delay load UserControl

regarding ajax delay load of usercontrols (or any controls) on Post at : I tried to implement it , but I noticed that it can be done only for simple controls or UserControls that Have simple controls (or html tags) . But when it...

DelayLoading a DLL and the associated .lib file

I am attempting to delay load wintrust.dll and crypt32.dll in my application (these are used to perform digital signature/publisher checks in a DLL). I am using VS2008. After adding these two DLLs as entries in the Delay Load property in the Linker section of my project properties, I still get LNK4199 warnings that nothing was loaded fro...