
MSI installer: Adding multiple properties to SecureCustomProperties

I'm looking for a way to add multiple properties to the SecureCustomProperties value in my .msi installer's property table. I've tried comma delimiting, semi-colon delimiting, and even space delimiters. None of the above seem to work. Hints? ...

Buffering data for delimiter separated blocks

Hi There is a question I have been wondering about for ages and I was hoping someone could give me an answer to rest my mind. Let's assume that I have an input stream (like a file/socket/pipe) and want to parse the incoming data. Let's assume that each block of incoming data is split by a newline, like most common internet protocols. T...

Least used delimiter character in normal text < ASCII 128

For coding reasons which would horrify you (I'm too embarrassed to say), I need to store a number of text items in a single string. I will delimit them using a character. Which character is best to use for this, i.e. which character is the least likely to appear in text? Must be printable and probably less than 128 in ASCII to avoid lo...

Dynamic SQL Comma-Delimited Value Query

[Update: Using SQL Server 2005] Hi, what I want to do is query my stored procedure with a comma-delimited list of values (ids) to retrieve rows of data. The problem I am receiving is a conversion error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ' + @PassedInIDs + ' to data type int. The statement in my where-clause and e...

How to parse a tab-separated line of text in Ruby?

I find Ruby's each function a bit confusing. If I have a line of text, an each loop will give me every space-delimited word rather than each individual character. So what's the best way of retrieving sections of the string which are delimited by a tab character. At the moment I have: line.split.each do |word| ... end but that is not ...

Delimiter to use within a query string value

I need to accept a list of file names in a query string. ie: http://someSite/someApp/myUtil.ashx?files=file1.txt|file2.bmp|file3.doc Do you have any recommendations on what delimiter to use? ...

Are quotes a type of string delimiter? Or does 'delimiter' mean other types of characters not including quotes?

When people talk about string delimiters, does that include quotes or does that mean everything except quotes? ...

Delimiter in one string

Hello, Here is an example of a file that i use to create a mysql db. The delimiter is "," but in the description for a single column exist ",". Header: City State Zip Description Los Angeles, California , 98005, "welcome to california, were are living the dream","Please stay, a while." The problem is that the description in "quotes"...

Overloading a method on default arguments

Is it possible to overload a method on default parameters? For example, if I have a method split() to split a string, but the string has two delimiters, say '_' and "delimit". Can I have two methods something like: split(const char *str, char delim = ' ') and split(const char *str, const char* delim = "delimit"); Or, is there a ...

Appending URL parameters to URLs in ActionScript

I'm trying to add a URL parameter to an URL string in ActionScript. Currently I'm checking the existing URL to see if it explicitly has a "?" to determine if there are any existing parameters to determine if my parameter delimiter should be "?" or "&". Is there a library or utility method in ActionScript which could simplify the code bel...

Why don't popular programming languages use some other character to delimit strings?

Every programming language I know (Perl, Javascript, PHP, Python, ASP, ActionScript, Commodore Basic) uses single and double quotes to delimit strings. This creates the ongoing situation of having to go to great lengths to treat quotes correctly, since the quote is extremely common in the contents of strings. Why do programming languag...

Writing a stream protocol: Message size field or Message delimiter?

Hi all, I am about to write a message protocol going over a TCP stream. The receiver needs to know where the message boundaries are. I can either send 1) fixed length messages, 2) size fields so the receiver knows how big the message is, or 3) a unique message terminator (I guess this can't be used anywhere else in the message). ...

Do certain characters take more bytes than others?

I'm not very experienced with lower level things such as howmany bytes a character is. I tried finding out if one character equals one byte, but without success. I need to set a delimiter used for socket connections between a server and clients. This delimiter has to be as small (in bytes) as possible, to minimize bandwidth. The curren...

MySQL DELIMITER syntax errors

This MySQL script installs multiple triggers. It works on one machine running MySQL 5.0.51b-community. On another machine running MySQL 14.12 Distrib 5.0.45, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386) it fails, with this error message, which seems to be related to the DELIMITER // ... // DELIMITER; syntax : ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 272: You ha...

Capturing output of find . -print0 into a bash array

Using find . -print0 seems to be the only safe way of obtaining a list of files in bash due to the possibility of filenames containing spaces, newlines, quotation marks etc. However, I'm having a hard time actually making find's output useful within bash or with other command line utilities. The only way I have managed to make use of th...

VB.NET Regex.replace <>

Hi Im pretty new to regex and im having trouble using VB and regex. Im trying to remove a <span ....> comment and replace it with <b> so far ive got this: Regex.Replace(text, "<span[^>]*>", "<b>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) This correctly matches the span comment but when it replaces it with the string it strips the <> and just leav...

How do I extract lines between two line delimiters in Perl?

I have an ASCII log file with some content I would like to extract. I've never taken time to learn Perl properly, but I figure this is a good tool for this task. The file is structured like this: ... ... some garbage ... ... garbage START what i want is on different lines END ... ... more garbage ... next one START more stuff I...

Delphi: StringList Delimiter is always a space character even if Delimiter is set

I am having trouble with the delimiter in the TStringList Class. Take a look: var s: string; sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList.Create; s := 'Users^foo bar^bar foo^foobar^barfoo'; sl.Delimiter := '^'; sl.DelimitedText := s; ShowMessage(sl[1]); end; sl[1] SHOULD return 'foo bar' sl[1] DOES return 'foo' It seems t...

CSV field delimiter problem

This CSV file has a field delimiter of $ It looks like this: 14$"ALL0053"$$$"A"$$$"Direct Deposit in FOGSI A/c"$$"DR"$"DAS PRADIP ... How can I view the file as columns, each field shown as in columns in a table. I've tried many ways, none work. Any one knows how? I am using Ubuntu ...

Remove colon using VI

Hi, I am trying do a find and replace in VI to remove a timestamp. I usually do this in VI using the S command but how do I tell VI I need to remove colons when its part of the structure of the VI command itself EX: " xxxxx xxxxx 24:00:00 CDT" tried s:24:00:00 CDT::g s:"24:00:00 CDT"::g s:/:::g Any assistance is appre...