
Why are TGeneric<Base> and TGeneric<Descendant> incompatible types?

Hi, I have started using of generics in Delphi 2010 but I have a problem when compiling this piece of code: TThreadBase = class( TThread ) ... end; TThreadBaseList<T: TThreadBase> = class( TObjectList<T> ) ... end; TDataProviderThread = class( TThreadBase ) ... end; TDataCore = class( TInterfacedObject, IDataCore ) private FProvid...

How do I remove items from the default right-click menu in Delphi 2010?

Who or what inserts the Unicode, right-to-left and IME items at the foot of the default right-click popup menu in Delphi 2010 VCL applications? I would like to remove them for user environments where they are unlikely ever to be needed, without having to define a custom pop-up menu for every edit and memo. Most of the time only copy, c...

What Is The Best Practice For Building A Multilingual Application Using Delphi 2010?

I'm in the early stages of converting an older application and I'm trying to figure out the best way to implement multilingual support. I will be using Delphi 2010. For example if I wanted to support English and Spanish (with other languages in the future). Should I use a database to to store all the form elements such as Menus, Buttons...

What is "[DCC Fatal Error] frm_Test.pas(381): F2084 Internal Error: C15700"?

Hello, I am upgrading a project from Delphi 2009 to D2010 and came across the following Internal Error [DCC Fatal Error] frm_Test.pas(381): F2084 Internal Error: C15700 when calling (ILocalizable(TMyProgram.MainForm.AbilitiesForm)).Localize('c:\test.txt'); Here are the definitions: ILocalizable = interface ['{4DF36053-2651...

How to make the Developer Express popup menus semitransparent like in Firefox?

Hello, I am using DevExpress Build 47. Is there a way to make the context(aka popup) menus semi transparent? ...

Delphi - How to monitor the network

Hello. Can someone give me some indications about how to log the web pages accessed(using any web browser)? Should I make a global proxy.... hook the network....? All that I need to log is the page address, not the info contained in it. I am using Delphi. Thank you I am looking, if is possible, for a solution without using Winpcap Ed...

Help with sending number to Excel 2007 from Delphi 2010 as a string.

I'm sending a number to Excel 2007 as a string (Cell.Value := '2,5') using late binding. The actual code is more like: var CellVal: OLEVariant; ... CellVal := FloatToStr(2.5); // Regionally formatted. Cell.Value := CellVal; On my Excel 97 version, this value will be formatted as "General" by default and will be seen as a number. A ...

Do Generics Mess Up Interface Name Mapping?

Basically, I want a class to be able to implement two different versions of the same generic interface. Consider this code type // a generic interface ITest<T> = interface ['{6901FE04-8FCC-4181-9E92-85B73264B5DA}'] function Val: T; end; // a class that purports to implement two different types of that interface TTe...

Querying for an Unknown Interface Type

In this code: TTest<IntfT: IInterface> = class protected fObj : TInterfacedObject; public function GetVal: IntfT; end; How would I implement the GetVal function if I want it to return fObj as an IntfT? I've tried: result := fObj as IntfT; and fObj.QueryInterface(IntfT,result); and result := fObj as IInterface; but noth...

Is there a hex editor component for recent Delphi versions?

I've been able to find a few hex controls by searching online, but none that will compile under Unicode. Does anyone know if there is one available? ...

How to disable the Formatter in Delphi 2010

Hello, The formatter in Delphi 2010 is really an annoying thing to me. I prefer formatting my code manually. I believe I do it better. How can I disable it? NOTE: Answers on why I don't use it in the first place will not be accepted. I need it switched OFF. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you. ...

Issues with nVidia nView desktop manager and Delphi applications?

Hi all, I've recently had a customer report an issue with my applications and NVidia nView desktop manager. Basically nView seems to 'unhide' hidden secondary forms when moving an application between monitors. I'm testing with Delphi 2010. The problem can also be seen using just the IDE (show a non-docked window, close it and then choos...

Delphi 2010 OXMLDOM

I'm migrating my Delphi 7 app to Delphi 2010. We used the Open XML (from In Delphi 2010 it seems to be already built in. In the documentation it says so (ms-help://embarcadero.rs2010/rad/Using_the_Document_Object_Model.html) "and the unit for the Open XML implementation is OXMLDOM" But I can not find any OXMLDOM...

how to set array length with delphi 2010 rtti

how to set array length in runtime ? setLength(t.GetProperty('Propertys'),3); ???? unit Unit3; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TSubProperty = Class private Fitem2: Integer; Fitem1: String; proc...

Freeware ZIP component for Delphi 2010?

Hello. Do you know any free component, compatible with Delphi 2010 to manage ZIP archives (actually, only reading archive contents and extracting files required)? Please no betas. I thought about ZipForge from ComponentAce, but it's free only for personal use. No software distribution allowed. ...

Delphi 2010 and MySQL

Does anyone know of a simple tuturial for setting up and using Delphi 2010 with MySQL? ...

Create a Ribbon Control in Delphi with Combobox as one of the control?

Hi Everyone, I am a newbie to using Delphi 2010 to write Ribbon Control... I wanted a comboBox control with 5 to 6 lines for user to choose from on my ribbon... I've set the CommandStyle of the TActionClient to csCombobox and I had a hard time figuring out how to set the content of my comboxbox and also the control seem to be disabled o...

Delphi 64-bit Preview Compiler available?

Hi, is there a 64-bit preview compiler available, as announced a long time ago? I wasn't able to find anything. I really need a 64-bit compiler to target the 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office. ...

convert function to delphi 2010 (unicode)

How to convert this function to Delphi 2010 (Unicode)? function TForm1.GetTarget(const LinkFileName:String):String; var //Link : String; psl : IShellLink; ppf : IPersistFile; WidePath : Array[0..260] of WideChar; Info : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; wfs : TWin32FindData; begin if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt...

PAC script with Indy in Delphi 2010

How do I handle a proxy PAC script file used by IE with Indy in Delphi 2010. Earlier we used a 3:d party component to get the pac-script from IE, but the component is obsolete. I'm a newbie to the problem so every tip is appreciated. Thanks TL ...