
Should I do de-normalization in this case?

Here is the situation: [Job] belongs to one [Job Category], which [Job Category] is belong to one [Industry] So, my initial design is like that: A Job have a fk to find the Job Category, and a Job Category have a fk to reference to Industry. But the problem is when I want to know the job is belong to which industry, I need to find the ...

Should I denormalize properties to reduce the number of indexes required by App Engine?

One of my queries can take a lot of different filters and sort orders depending on user input. This generates a huge index.yaml file of 50+ indexes. I'm thinking of denormalizing many of my boolean and multi-choice (string) properties into a single string list property. This way, I will reduce the number of query combinations because mo...

Storing Embedded Comments vs. Avoiding overhead in MongoDB

Hey Everyone, Let me explain my problem, and hopefully someone can offer some good advice. I am currently working on a web-app that stores information and meta-data for a large amount of applications. For each application there could be anywhere from 10 to 100's of comments that are tied to the application and an application version i...

SQL Server Full Text Search Index View

I want to use the Full Text Search feature of Microsoft SQL Server. If I have a table Client which refers other tables like City, Country, Department, etc. is it better to create a separate table that would hold de-normalized data, which would then be full text indexed, or is it better to create a dummy value in every foreign table (for...

Load data from denormalized file into a normalized table

I receive a denormalized text file that must be loaded into a normalized table. Denormalized table: CustomerID -- Category -- Category2 -- Category3 -- Category4 1 -- A -- B -- C -- D When this is normalized, it should look like: CustomerID -- Category 1 -- A 1 -- B 1 -- C 1 -- D What is the best way to write a T-SQL statement to ac...

Is denormalizing acceptable in this case?

I have the following locations table: ---------------------------------------------------------- | ID | zoneID | storeID | address | latitude | longitude | ---------------------------------------------------------- and the phones table: ----------------------- | locationID | number | ----------------------- Now, keep in mind that f...

Linq: Querying a "Virtual" columns created from one split column

Hi all, I'm working with a pretty nasty looking, but non-changable db. We've got a table, called "Locations" with column, "Position" This column has values like "A SHELF 5" Which means "Case A, Shelf 5". In an ideal world, I'd have a Case and Shelf column, with the values "A" and 5, respectively. What I'm wondering, is if there's a...

Normalizing a table: finding unique columns over series of rows (Oracle 10.x)

Hello, I have a table with the following structure: WorkerPersons ------------------------------- ID (PK) PersonID (Indicates which version of Person the record describes) SomeColumn1 (data specific to Worker) SomeColumn2 (data specific to Person) .... SomeColumnN ------------------------------- As you can see, it's a den...

Can materialized views be used as a fast denomalized big table?

Can Oracle Materialized views be used to join multiple related tables having foreign keys to create a larger denormalized big table which is refreshed instantaneously? On some investigations, it says that joins are not allowed while using fast refresh. Is it my assumption which is wrong that i can do this sort of thing with Oracle Mate...