
Customizing The DependencyObject Inheritance Tree

I'm struggling to find sufficient information about the property Inheritance Tree (or Inheritence Context) used by DependencyObject and DependencyProperty. I would like to use the value inheritence capability of DependencyProperty outside of a typical WPF page, such that Object A is the logical parent Object B, and thus a value assigned...

Given a styled WPF DependencyObject, how can I get the Style Key in code?

I have a set of controls bound to data, on which I would like to programmaticaly add validators to the bindings. Currently I'm able to iterate over the visual tree to find those controls with bindings, and also add my validators to these controls. But to further specify which controls should have specific validation I wanted to use style...

Call bindings for DependencyObject when DependencyProperites are changed

Is there a way to notify a DependencyObject's bindinigs when the inner DependencyProperties have changed? For example, I have this class: public class BackgroundDef : DependencyObject { public static readonly DependencyProperty Color1Property = DependencyProperty.Register("Color1", typeof(Color), ...

How to determine whether a dependency object implements a given dependency property (C# / WPF)

I am working with the classes in the System.Windows.Documents namespace, trying to write some generic code that will conditionally set the value of certain dependency properties, depending on whether these properties exist on a given class. For example, the following method assigns an arbitrary value to the Padding property of the passe...