
Refresh a Div, Table or TR without reloading page and without using Ajax

Is it possible to refresh a div, table or <tr>. Here no such data comes from database, its a simple error displaying block and value comes from Java-script. Issue is that when an user inputs a value in textbox, value stored in that database and Successfully Stored Message comes on the Screen. Then again at the same page, user try to ...

Is there a better way to handle the progression through a wizard dialog?

I'm working on an existing wizard dialog which is implemented as a tabbed page control (with the tabs hidden). The steps of the wizard are defined in an enumerated type. When the user clicks a navigation button the current step is run through a switch statement. Each branch of the switch is filled with additional branching logic (if/then...

c# design question

Hi, I am just confused on the approach. Pls suggest me which is best. I will be creating multiple reports. SalesReport, ProfitReport etc. Approach - 1: class Report { ReportType type; } Subclass ReportType as SalesType, ProfitType and assign it to report instances SalesReport: Report sales = new Report(); sales.type = new Sales...

.NET Design question

All, I have a very general question regarding a future project. I need to build a piece of engine software that accepts a big variety of inputs (as simple as plain numbers and as complex as multiple arrays of different data). This software will process the input and provide a calculated output. The preference is to make it quite generi...

Java Policy-Based Design

Hi, I have a while loop, and the user should be able to decide when the loop stops. After x seconds, after x loops, ... This problem should be implemented according to policy-based design. I know how to do this in C++ but can't get it to work in Java. What I do now is the following. There is a class Auctioneer with the method "start()...

Why sending events for a sender is forbidden in C#?

Quote from: "Invoking an event can only be done from within the class that declared the event." I am puzzled why there is such restriction. Without this limitation I would be able to write a class (one class) which once for good manages sending the events for a given category...

Creating layout dynamically from template

Is it possible to load a layout XML at runtime and load into activity? In my app, I have various types of data like Person, Company, City, etc; The requirement is to dynamically load the layout, find views by tags (property names like, Person.address) and then fill in data. For example, if user has selected an object of type...

Delegates in python

I've implemented this short example to try to demonstrate a simple delegation pattern. My question is. Does this look like I've understood delegation right? class Handler: def __init__(self, parent = None): self.parent = parent def Handle(self, event): handler = 'Handle_' +event if hasattr(self, handler):...

software design specification

Hii.. I am making a project on Invoice Management System. Its an online system and I am using php for its coding. In my code I am not using any classes. So which diagram will be appropriate for me to include in Technical Specification Document(as I cant use any class diagram). Thanks in advance.... ...

software design specification

Can anyone explain what is an architecture(in detail) in Technical specification documentation. Does it mean 2 tier or 3 tier architecture if we are using client-server architecture or we does it mean 3 layers implementation as user interface, presentation layer, business logic layer. What we should draw if in case interviewer asks us t...

How do you think about and architect programs?

I'm a QA guy and designer and i'm coming to development. How do most developers architect programs? With design I build up with a vague idea of what I have in mind and adapt my design to keep in moving forward and looking good. With coding, I'm trying the same methodology. I'm constantly testing and debugging my code and I make forward m...

SQL Server 2005 Database Designer

Hello ! Does anyone know a good and free Database Designer able to export the design into SQL Server 2005 ? I have been using PowerAMC for 2 weeks but it was the trial. PowerAMC is the only program I know with a Conceptual Data Model Designer. Thank you. ...

Whole - Part design advice

I have two classes. One is the Part class, its purpose is to deal with visual requirements. The other is the Whole class, its purpose is to deal with operational requirements. Of course Whole class has Part class data members. I want to manage Part class operational requirements with Whole class and Whole class visual requirements with P...

Isn't Composition bad for testability?

Typically Composition and Aggregation are treated the same? But they are different and the choice which one to use changes a lot? For e.g: I believe aggregation would be ideal for testing. But composition is not. Maintenance of dependencies is a pain while using aggregation but less using Composition. So are there any similar views a...

Best practices to design component based application

Hi all , I am starting to design my own CMS , and i want it to be modular to add more functionality later by me or by any other developer I put my eyes on joomla CMS (very popular ,robust and extensible) I want to make a CMS with to be just skeleton and all functions are done through components Functions like :- User manage...

Building a Regex Composer

I was reading the Java project idea described here: The user gives examples of what he wants and does not want to match. The program tries to deduce a regex that fits the examples. Then it generates examples that would fit and not fit. The user corrects the examples it got wrong, and it composes a new regex. Iteratively, you get a re...

Real time collaborative web application architecture

I want to build a real time collaborative web app where people can interact with components and drag them around, allowing the collaborators to see the dragging in real time. I don't know the first thing about how to build an architecture to support such a system, but it seems to me like it is like building a real time multiplayer 2d g...

Is it bad design to call Grails services from domain objects?

As I've been using Grails more and more, I find myself writing code in multiple controllers that really seems like it should be part of a domain class. Sometimes, this domain code contains a call to a service class. For example, I recently wrote a domain method that looked something like this: class Purchase { // Injected def p...

Django model form and objects database id

Hi I have a complex django object, which has properties of other class types. This gets like this: class Order: contractor - type Person some other fields.... In my form I'd like to be able to either choose existing Person object from the dropdown or add a new one with a form. I've managed to create forms and appropriate workfl...

Windows Service Design Help

I'm in the process of designing the architecture of an application I’m planning on building and need some advice on the best way to implement a specific windows service component described below. I'll be building the service using .net 4.0 so I can take advantage of the new parallel and task APIs, I’ve also looked at using the MSMQ servi...