
Does .Net RIA Services introduce a coupling between Presentation and Application/Business Logic?

I'm new to .Net RIA Services, but I think, its essence, is to target RAD what Microsoft usually cares about. But, does not that introduce more coupling between Presentation and Application/Business Logic? How can this new technology help increasing number of developers who are interested in OOAD Best Practices and concepts like SOLID, GR...

Design Considerations for Employees vs. Users

I'm busy with a redesign of a telephony management system, where just one example of shocking design was storing employee information in the phone extensions table. I have done many normalisations like this, factoring out employee information, but I am now faced with the decision of whether to factor 'system user' information, such as a...

How to disable UI control based on domain object's state?

Here's my problem. I have a somewhat complex domain object, which, depending on its state, responds to certain actions. I think the state pattern is pretty much the solution for that. However, I need to display which actions are possible at any moment in the UI. Ex: The domain object is an audio player. Some songs can't be skipped (like...

Mutable or immutable class ?

I had read in some design book that immutable class improves scalability and its good practice to write immutable class wherever possible. But I think so immutable class increase object proliferation. So is it good of going immutable class or better go for static class (A class with all the methods static) for improve scalability ? ...

Key factors for designing scalable web based application.

Currently I am working on web based application. I want to know what are the key factors a designer should take care while designing scalable web based application ? ...

Help eliminating friends/internals

I often see people say things like "if you need friend/internal then your design is wrong", could someone tell me how to redesign the following code to eliminate the internal in ChessPiece.Location? It's currently used so that adding a piece to ChessBoard sets the ChessPiece.Location property to match, obviously making it public would b...

python: Overhead to using classes instead of dictionaries?

First, I'd like to point out that I know OOP concepts and understand the differences between dictionaries and classes. My question is about what makes sense design wise in this case: I am designing a webapp in python and I have to represent something like a book object. Books have chapters and chapters have titles and content. For simpl...

C# Custom Object Validation Design

I currently have to validate custom Field Objects for my application. Simply put, each Field object consists of information about the validation for the field, as well as the value of the field. I am validating fields in bulk, so currently, I have a validation class, that has a method for each validation. For required fields, it looks so...

Misunderstood Good Ideas

Sometimes someone has a great idea that solves a problem. But as time passes, people forget why it was a great idea and try to use it in ways that end up causing problems as bad (or worse) than what the idea was originally supposed to solve. Example: I'm sure that distributed source control is sufficiently counterintuitive that ...

Different Resource Representations (REST API)

Hi, I'm developing a REST API and I have a question about resource representations. Suppose I got the "person" resource under the /app/person/{id} URI. I need an XML representation, that basically is all the object fields as XML nodes under the root. Now requirements indicate that we must also support another kind of XML representatio...

WPF: Am I supposed to be a designer?

Hello, I like to develop many tiny WPF applications. Usually I use the WPF Futures' themes, but they're far from perfect (by example, may of them doesn't implement styles for the tabs). Each time I have to spend a lot of time on the the colors, gradients, tiny details (being inspired by others WPF apps)... in order to make the general a...

Sql Server Reporting services

Can we merge two cells of two different rows while designing a report in SSRS??? ...

States and controllable game objects

We are making a game with a playing character that will have several different states. In most examples I see a switch statement in the controllable charactor based on the state. Is this the standard way that things are done for most games? Or is it better to create a set of states that handle the animation and logic of that state. It se...

Shipping calculation

I need to calculate real time shipping costs of the orders of the project I'm currently working on. I have the dimensions and weights of packages and US shipping address. Orders are only placed within US Can you suggest me what options I have. Thanks ...

Look-up tables with Linq-to-Sql

Hi all, I'm working on a car dealer website at the moment, and I've been working on a 'Vehicle' model in my database. I've been making extensive use of lookup tables with FK relationships for things like Colour, Make, Model etc. So a basic version could be something like: Vehicle { Id MakeId ModelId ColourId Price ...

Is capitalising a word a good web design approch to emphasize interaction/draw attention?

Hi, I'm involved in a redesign at this point of a site that has capitalised its primary navigation and button text as part of the UI. I have looked around at the competitors in the market and found no one else does this. The business still likes the idea at the moment and I wanted to see what opinions are out there for and against this ...

Event, delegate or interface?

Suppose I have a Monkey class which sometimes needs to acquire an instance of Banana. The way this banana is provided is not of interest to the monkey, but it does initiate the banana acquisition. Now I have at least three possible ways to wire my monkey to a banana provider. What is the best way to do it? 1. Event Raise a Monkey.Ban...

How to specify Delphi interface GUID in Enterprise Architect?

I'm using Enterprise Architect code generation feature to export my models to Delphi code. Is there a way to specify interface GUIDs in EA so that interfaces are completely defined in the output code? Example: ILogger = interface procedure Log(AMessage: ILoggerMessage); end; should be ILogger = interface ['{16B77CF4-4219-412D-B1F3...

Do you plan to support IE 6 on your future projects?

Hi, I'm trying to make a pitch to my boss to drop support for IE 6. I find that a disproportionate amount of time is spent on trying to make the css IE 6 compatible and that could be spend on making new features or improving usability etc. Do you plan to do so on your future projects and if so how did you convince others to support onl...

Designing efficient C++ code for fibers

How do I utilize fibers best in my game code? Should it only be used to manage nonpreemptive context-switches while loading resources (i.e. files from disk)? Or do I allow all types of game entities to run in a fiber? How do I schedule? C++ or pseudo code samples greatly appreciated! ...