
Dojo : Unable to stop "onClick" dijit event

I could not stop the "onClick" event ? If i just use the dom node with the "onclick" event then dojo.stopEvent() works but not with the widget's "onClick". I am getting the error "Unable to load page ......status 0". I found out that this happens when the page refreshes while the Ajax call is being executed. I am posting my code. Any he...

How to make a dijit.Dialog nonmodal

I want to make my dialogs non-modal, i.e.: When opening multiple dialogs, they could be closed in any order (modal dialogs can only be opened in the reverse order in which they were opened) Clicking a dialog puts it above the others I've been reading the dojo/dijit documentation and found nothing ...

How to implement dijit.trees that expand/collapse when a master does?

I have multiple -- for this discussion, assume two -- dijit.trees, all guaranteed to have identical topology. The first tree is the master; all the others are slaves. I want to: 1) Hide the expando +/- thiny on all the slaves, so that only the master has expand/collapse controls. 2) Make the behavior of the slaves trees mimic t...

[dojo] Remove MouseWheel Event from dijit.form.Slider

As stated in the title i want to remove the mousewheel capability of the dijit.form.Slider since it sometimes triggers the slider when scrolling the page and the cursor hits the slider. But it seems that the onmousewheel events are connected in the dojo source and we cannot replace or modify the dojo files. Anyone knows a short solutio...

Querying the Static/Loaded data in a dojox.data.QueryReadStore

I want to Implement search on a lazyload tree, for just the preloaded data(the elements of the tree that are already browsed). But, when i try to query the QueryReadStore, its sending the query as a request to the server.. I need the query to fetch results from loaded data. Is there any way that this can be implemented ? ...

dijit.Tree from XML

Hi All, I've been trying to get a Tree to work using my xml. But i'm like stuck without any clue as how to move ahead. I've tried quite a few things, which i've tried and would mention here. Background: I've been trying to create a tree from XML which looks like: <root> <hierlabel>A_Level0</hierlabel> <hierlabel>A_Level1</hi...

Zend_Dojo_Form in tabs creates ID conflicts

I have a dojo layout that creates a sidebar on the left with a list of pages and a center area which is a tab container. When a user double clicks a page in the sidebar, it creates a new closable tab in the center with a form to edit that page (the form is loaded via the href attribute on the ContentPanes, it's a standard Zend Framework...

How to get value from radio buttons on form submit

I have two radio buttons: <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorSwipe" id="sensorSwipe" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton" name="Sensor" checked /> <input dojoAttachPoint="sensorContinuous" id="sensorContinuous" type="radio" dojoType="dijit.form.Radi...

Determining current cursor location in dojo edit widget

Hi, I need to append some text programatically to the dijit editor(with textArea) at the current cursor location, I am able to do this at the end of already entered text but need to do it at current cursor location. Please guide me in getting the text/value before and after the cursor. ...

I can't use HTML select within Dojo Tooltip.

I need a Dojo tooltip with a drop-down-list. Unfortunately the tooltip closes when the cursor is moved over the drop-down-list, because the list overhangs the tooltip's div. Is there any workaround? Could the close-automatism be disabled temporarily? <div class="dojoPopupContainer dojoTooltip showComboBox" style="position: abso...

Why is my dijit.Tree not populated from json source?

Hi, I am new to dojo and spring development. I am trying to populate a Tree widget using a json response from a spring-mvc controller. I'm following the examples from the dojocampus website quite closely. Firstly if I use a local data source it works ok: <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore"); ...

iterating through dijit.Tree to set icons and dragable (yes/no) features.

Hi everybody! Hopefully somebody can help me with this problem. I have a dojo.Tree which I love to iterate to set features after it's initialization. var treeModel = new dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel({ store: store, query: { "type": "continent" }, ...

[Dojo] dojo tree maintenance problem

Hi, I am creating a dojo tree on Mozilla 3 programatically as following var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({ "id": "treeSt", "data": _treeData } ); var model = new dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel({ "jsId": "tModel", "store": store, "rootId": "tems", "rootLabel": "TEMS", "query": { "type": "root" }, "childrenAttr...

How do I set the width of dijit.form.Select?

I have a programmatically generated dijit.form.Select. Unlike most other widgets, the Selects do not offer a resize method like dijit.resize({w: width, h: height}); I have not found a standardized way of setting the width of a select. This is quite bad because the autosizing makes Dialogs "explode" on long select values. Is there a s...

How do I highlight all invalid dijit.form.ValidationTextBoxes on a dijit.form.Form?

Hi everyone, what I'm after is a form that when submitted, runs a validation check, and highlights all invalid fields and adds the tooltips. I'm effectively looking for something like this: dojo.forEach(dijit.byId('myForm')._invalidWidgets, function (thisWidget,index,array) { thisWidget.displayMessage("normal invalid/empty message ...

not getting dijit.Tree dragrestriction to run propperly!

Hi people! I have worked out a tree which I fed with data, for certain elements I'd love to deactivate "drag&drop", which doesn't work and I don't know why. If you have the answer I would kindly thank you. The task is that certain element shouldn't be draggable, if I set subWidgets[0][subWidgets[1]].dragRestriction = true; it is in t...

Dijit build with a single locale.

Hello, I'm trying to create a custom dijit build that only includes the rich text editor dijit.Editor and the single locale "en-us". I've created a acme.profile.js file that looks like this dependencies = { stripConsole: "all", optimize: "comments", cssOptimize: "comments", mini: true, localeList:"en-us", layerO...

tinymce dijit.editor

I have been using tinyMCE over dojo dijit.editor because tinyMCE wins out on functionality. Though I've just come across this: http://phphtmledit.com/dojo/ShowEditor.php?gclid=CPizxJzR3qQCFQpBbgodFidd9A which, if I'm reading it correctly, claims to be a dojo editor but has all the functionality of tinyMCE. So my question: are there more...

Dojo Select widget not selectively querying contents from datastore

I have been trying to use the query functionality of the ItemFileReadStore to filter the list of a select widget's selectable options and it seems that my queries are having no effect on the widget. The query is being done through the onChange event of another select widget, my objective is that when one widget selects a value the other ...

Javascript/CSS Tooltip that you can hover over and click

I'm looking for a javascript/css tooltip that can do the following: Shows up when you hover over some page element (such as a help icon.) Repositions itself based on the browser window (for example if it's on the far right of the page, it will show itself to the left of the page element, otherwise it'll show to the right of it. That wa...