
Building a directory tree from a list of file paths

I am looking for a time efficient method to parse a list of files into a tree. There can be hundreds of millions of file paths. The brute force solution would be to split each path on occurrence of a directory separator, and traverse the tree adding in directory and file entries by doing string comparisons but this would be exceptionall...

Linux directories

I am writing installation script for my program, which is supposed to run on Linux/Unix OS. What is the default directory for the following files: Executable files (programs). Program should be executed by typing its name from the command line. Shared libraries. Third-party shared libraries (the program is not open source, so I need to...

Wix: change installation folder tree

Hi, I've a set of folder to be installed in different layouts for different users. For examle: User1: AppFolder Dir1 Dir2 Dir3 User2: AppFolder Bin Dir1 Dir2 Lib Dir3 How it's possible? ...

How do I find the parent directory of a file in Perl?

Is there some function that returns the parent directory of a file in Perl? ...

Maven - how to include empty directories

By default during the build process maven is removing the empty directories. Do you know if a parameter can be specified in the pom to instruct maven to include empty directories in the generated target/test-classes folder? ...

Windows Azure: Creating a subdirectories inside the blob

I wanted to create some subdirectories inside my blob. But it is not working out well Here is my code protected void ButUpload_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // store upladed file as a blob storage if (uplFileUpload.HasFile) { name = uplFileUpload.FileName; // get refernce to the...

Can sed be made recursive in for windows?

I'm using sed for windows to do search and replace on some javascript files, and I was wondering if using some other utility I could make it work recursively. ...

List Directories and get the name of the Directory

Hello, I am trying to get the code to list all the directories in a folder, change directory into that folder and get the name of the current folder. The code I have so far is below and isn't working at the minute. I seem to be getting the parent folder name. import os for directories in os.listdir(os.getcwd()): dir = os.path.joi...

Referencing View directory in mvc

i have some html files as part of a regular website that has been ported over to mvc. In my code i need to read and write these html files and stick them in a tinymce editor To be able to read and write this file from disk in the past i had a hard coded path but this doesn't seem to work in mvc unless i do something li...

Java api to get Microsoft Windows Special folders

I once found a nifty little library that used JNI to allow java applications on Windows to get the locations of various "special" directories on windows. I can't for the life of me find it again... In particular, I need to get the location of the "All Users" (shared) "Application Data" directory. So, anyone have a bullet proof way in ...

How to get the newest (last modified) directory [C#]

Currently my application uses string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path) to get the list of subdirectories, and now I want to extract the path to the latest (last modified) subdirectory in the list. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? (efficiency is not a major concern - but robustness is) ...

Is there an easier way to reconcile a list of files and a directory with subfolders/files to find changes?

I have a SQL Server table with a list of files (path + filename), and a folder with multiple layers and files in each layer. I'm looking for a way to reconcile the two without having to process the list twice. Currently, I'm doing this: For Each f as FileInfo In FileListFromDatabase If f.Exists is False, mark it as deleted in the dat...

disable Virtual Directory Support in apache

hi, i am using php and apache for my local system. when i get my phpinfo details using phpinfo(), i got that my Virtual Directory Support | enabled how can i disable this... any one have idea about this? Thanks in Advance ...

MATLAB - read files from directory?

Hi, I wish to read files from a directory and iteratively perform an operation on each file. This operation does not require altering the file. I understand that I should use a for loop for this. Thus far I have tried: FILES = ls('path\to\folder'); for i = 1:size(FILES, 1); STRU = pdbread(FILES{i}); end The error returned here ...

What is all this stuff in the CKEditor folder?

A while ago I downloaded the latest version (3.1) of the CKEditor text editor. The directory name was ckeditor and I deleted the ckeditor/_source and ckeditor/_samples sub-directories, then I referenced the ckeditor.js file in my html pages, like so : <script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> this works we...

How do I test to see that a directory is empty in ANT?

How can one test to see that a directory is empty in ant? ...

Creating/making directories in python (complex)

I am trying to create a bunch of directories/subdirectories that I can copy files into. I am working with Python and I can't seem to find a good way to do this. I have a main path that I will branch off of. Then after that, I have Weights and No_Weights. Male and Female following. Within each of Male and Female folders, I have each e...

PHP + Wordpress - get a list of files from a directory

Hi Are there any native WP functions that are able to list files based by extension from a directory? if not, how do I do this with php? I want to get the file names of all .css files from a certain folder ...

Delete images that don't exist in SQL database

Hi, I have a table of products in my sql database. Each product has an image and 4 thumbnails. These just store the filename of an image on the hard drive. The problem I have is that over time I have deleted thousands of products but the images still remain on the hard drive. Now I need to build a script (in c# .net) to remove any orpha...

Detect when a directory or file changes

Other than reading all the files and comparing them with a previous snapshot, is there a way to detect when a directory changes in C# with Windows? I don't mind PInvoke if that's what it takes. ...