
An existing Java codebase is not correctly structured by directory. Is there an automated tool that will sort packages into the appropriate directories?

I'm quite happy to rig up a bash script to do this, but it would nice to have an automated tool to sort java files into the correct directories (after creating them). Thanks! ...

Why touching "d_name" makes calls to readdir() fail?

Hi, I'm trying to write a little helper for Windows which eventually will accept a file extension as an argument and return the number of files of that kind in the current directory. To do so, I'm reading the file entries in the directories and after getting the extension I'd like to convert it to lowercase to compare it with the yet-to...

Ideal directory structure for web application

I'm about to create a user based website and will have to store photo, docs and other data for each user. If I take a silly number like 1 000 000 000 users, I believe than one folder with 1 000 000 000 won't be the fastest thing in the world! So I was thinking of creating something like 1st level : [a-z] 2nd level : [a-z] 3rd level :...

Elegant way to take basename of directory in Python?

I have several scripts that take as input a directory name, and my program creates files in those directories. Sometimes I want to take the basename of a directory given to the program and use it to make various files in the directory. For example, # directory name given by user via command-line output_dir = "..." # obtained by OptPars...

Should the PHP files that do processing/validation of data called by AJAX be put in 'include' folder and made inaccessible to the user?

My Question is suppose I have a form which needs validation through AJAX. The AJAX is sending data to to a file called do_ajax_validation.php. Now should I put this file in 'include' folder and name it and bar it from direct access of the user or should I put it in the directory in which the original form resid...

Rails: Single Table Inheritance and models subdirectories

I have a card-game application which makes use of Single Table Inheritance. I have a class Card, and a database table cards with column type, and a number of subclasses of Card (including class Foo < Card and class Bar < Card, for the sake of argument). As it happens, Foo is a card from the original printing of the game, while Bar is a ...

TFS Disk Structure - and "Add new folder" vs "Add solution"

Our organization recently got TFS 2008 set up ready for our use. I have a practice TeamProject available to play with. To simplify slightly, we previous organized our code on disk like this: -EC - Main - Database - someScript1.sql - someScript2.sql - Documents - ReleaseNotes_V1.doc - Sourc...

TFS - How much nesting on disk structure

We just got TFS installed and ready go. I'm trying to decide on the disk structure. Let's suppose I have two BizTalk projects called Common and BookTransfer (in actuality I have 7). [At this client, we adopted the style of having schemas, orchs, maps in one project called BizTalk.Artifacts]. A folder with the name "components" is C# cod...

RAILS_ROOT require?

I'm trying to access the RAILS_ROOT constant in a file residing in the /lib directory, but I'm not able to (uninitialized constant error). Is there something that I need to require to be able to do this? Sorry if this is a dumb question.. ...

iPhone Documents directory and UIFileSharingEnabled, hiding certain documents.

I want the user to be able to access the files in the documents directory but am using core data and dont want the user to be able to access the store (the sqllite db), can i hide it from the user while still allowing file sharing, or can i put it in another directory where it will still get backed up? ...

Is there a standard place to store Spring library jar files?

I've downloaded Spring 3.0.2 with dependencies and found that it contains 405 jar files. I usually keep third party libraries in a "lib" subdirectory, but there are so many Spring jars that it seems sensible to keep them separately so that they don't swamp the other libraries and to simplify version upgrades. I suspect that I want to ke...

Why do Java source files go into a directory structure?

as weSuppose that I am creating a Java project with the following classes com.bharani.ClassOne com.bharani.ClassTwo com.bharani.helper.HelperOne with files put immediately under the folder 'src' src/ src/ src/ src/ and compile them using th...

assetlibpro Parent Directory Issue

assetlibpro is referencing in the css to ../../css/../img/x.jpg However, I want it to be referencing to ../img/x.jpg I believe that there should be some basic config setting that I am missing but cannot seem to find it Any help? ...

using wild card when listing directories in python

how can I use wild cars like '*' when getting a list of files inside a directory in Python? for example, I want something like: os.listdir('foo/*bar*/*.txt') which would return a list of all the files ending in .txt in directories that have bar in their name inside of the foo parent directory. how can I do this? thanks. ...

Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework... am I doing this right?

I'm currently working on my own PHP Framework, and I need some help figuring out if I'm going in the right direction or not... The framework is both for my own use and to generally advance my PHP skills further. I've encountered numerous problems that by overcoming them I have learned a great deal, and love being able to create somethin...

Separating application from app library, shared libary, components, etc

I am creating an MVC application framework, using only libararies and components that I create myself (mainly a learning experience), but I'm not quite sure how to separate each kind of library from one another. We'll call my application Cat. Lets say I'm creating a library called Dog, which would sort of be like Zend and is full of di...

what does 'com' stand for in package names and folders?

I tried googling this but can't find anything. I'm just curious as to why we use the folder name 'com' as the root directory? what does it stand for? computer? haha. thanks ...

svn repository malformed: how to fix repair repository structure

OK. The repository structure has directories "src" "aux" and "script". No "trunk", no "tags", no "branches". Is there any way I can get this code into a correctly-structure repository while preserving the revision history? ...

How much directory separation should my framework have?

Hey guys, just a small question here.. (hopefully!) I've been trying a bunch of different directory structures for my PHP MVC framework. While doing this, I thought of a few reasons to separate different parts of the application from each other. For instance, let's say this is my current structure: - index.php - private/ - applica...

Starting a Ruby project: github + build tool

I am starting out to play around with Ruby and trying to make a desktop app using Ruby and wxRuby. So, to start out with a new ruby only project, I have few questions: I need a standard directory structure, what is the best possible way to do it? I tried out newgem with details here, but it seems that that the newgem website is not up...