
How to disabled specific row in ListView

Can anyone help me on how can I disabled specific rows in ListView using vb.net 2003 language? ...

"Disabling" an HTML table with javascript

I've seen this done in a lot of sites recently, but can't seem to track one down. Essentially I want to "disable" an entire panel (that's in the form on an HTML table) when a button is clicked. By disable I mean I don't want the form elements within the table to be usable and I want the table to sort of fade out. I've been able to acc...

How can my input element receive onclick events when it is set to disabled?

I need to have an onclick/hover event on an input tag which is disabled. Is there another way but to wrap it in another tag and give that tag the events? <input type="checkbox" onclick="cant_choose('event')" disabled="disabled" value="2" name="enroll_to[event][]"> ...

CheckBoxField columns in ASP.NET GridView are disabled even if ReadOnly set to false.

I have a GridView with two CheckBoxField columns. They both have ReadOnly property set to false, but html code generated for them has attribute disabled="disabled". So the value cannot be changed. Generated HTML example: <span disabled="disabled"><input id="ctl00_ContentBody_GridView_ctl02_ctl01" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentBod...

How can I detect if Flash Player is disabled in a browser using JavaScript?

I know how to detect if Flash player is installed in a browser. I'm using the hasFlashPlayerVersion() function of swfobject for that. However, I can't seem to find any documentation on how to detect if the plug-in is installed and just disabled. I didn't see any documentation in the Flash Player Detection Kit that checks if the plug-in i...

How to "lock" radio buttons, checkboxes, and <select> menus without graying them out?

I have a form that I want to present in two states: 1) Normal form 2) Person can look at the form as filled out by a user but can't change anything It's easy to handle text inputs with the readonly property, but radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdown menus don't use it. I can set the "disabled" property for those, but in most browse...

Jquery disable input with attr()

Hi, I have a wired behaviour when I try to disable or readonly a input field using the attr(). removeAttr('disabled') is working ok. attr('name', 'somthing') is working attr('id', 'something else') is working attr('disabled','disabled') not working -> it writes only disabled="" in the DOM and it does not disable the input field at...

How to retrieve the status of Foreign Key constraint?

I have the SQL query for getting all the constraint names, but not sure how to get its status like whether it is enabled/disabled? SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS NameofConstraint, SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS SchemaName, OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS TableName, type_desc AS ConstraintType,* FROM sys.objects Any help? ...

Does a browser download JS files if the user has JS disabled?

Does a browser download JS files if the user has JS disabled? I'm wondering if the browser downloads the JS files and ignores them or ignores the download all together. Do different browsers act differently in this case? Edit: I asked a follow up question to this question here. ...

Alternative method to include JS files

This question is a follow up question for this question. If some browsers download JS files even though the user has JS disabled, would it make sense to include JS files using JS to ensure the user isn't forced to download the JS unnecessarily? For example: function inc(filename){ var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body').i...

how do i set disabled attribute on html textbox in asp.net-mvc ?

i am trying to dynamically set the disabled attribute on the html textbox and having issues i tried this in my view: string disabledString = ""; if (SomeLogic) { disabledString = "disabled"; } Html.Textbox()...new Dictionary<string, object> { { "maxlength", 50 }, { "disabled", readOnlyState } })%> so as you can see i am s...

how to disable a ajaxtoolkit CollapsiblePanelExtender from client side?

hello everyone, does anyone know a client side method to disable the CollapsiblePanelExtender? I have get the extender by behaviorId. var extender = $find("behaviorId"); so next what method i can use to disable this extender from client side? Thanks ...

why does setting attribute "disabled" on a input text box stop that field from posting to the server when you submit a form??

if you set "disabled" on a input and submit a form, that field doesn't seem to be in the Request.Form when you post to the server. What is the logic behind the design decision to not post this field solely based on some presentation layer decision? This makes no sense to me . .. ...

How to disable scripts for ie6 inside your html code

Hi, i've been using jquery succesfully with almost any browser but ie6, i'm giving up i wish i could use a conditional statement like <!--[if IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style-for-ie.css" media="screen" /> <![endif]--> To disable my scripts, is there anyway i can tell ie6 to stop loading something o...

HTML just cannot get focus instead of disabled

Hello, I am currently trying to see if there is a way to not disable an input but not allow the input to get focus. I am doing this because I still need the backend to retrieve the data but just not allow the user to certain times to edit the input fields. Since disabled doesn't return data to the backend that doesn't work. The way I am ...

CSS selector for disabled input type="submit"

Hello! Is there a CSS selector for disabled input type="submit" or "button"? Should I just use input[type="submit"][disabled]? Does that work in IE6? Thank you. ...

Jquery add disabled attribute to input

I have an input box and I want it to be disabled at the same time as hidden to avoid problems when porting my form. So far I have the following code to hide my input: $(".shownextrow").click(function() { $(this).closest("tr").next().show().find('.longboxsmall').hide(); }); This is the input that gets hidden as a result: ...

Styling disabled <select> (dropdown boxes) in HTML

One of our customers has a hard time reading the grey text in disabled control in our web-based application: We would like to change the style to a light grey background and a black text. Unfortunately, most browsers (including IE, which is what the customer is using) ignore the color: ... CSS attribute on disabled controls, so we can...

jQuery disabled button with checkbox issue

Hi guys, I have the following code which enables a button when the checkbox is checked. http://jsfiddle.net/ERfWz/1/ The following is a snippet from the code I have in my HTML page. It's much the same however for some reason it's not working. I think I may have been looking at it for too long. <script type='text/javascript'> $(func...

Can't bind dblclick to a checkbox element with the disabled attribute

I've got a checkbox: <td class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" value="100" id="chkbox_100" name="chkbox[]" class="chkbox_selector" disabled=""> </td> I've got some jQuery: $(':checkbox').each(function(){ $(this).dblclick(function(e){ $(...