
Tool for Scanning for Attached USB Devices in Windows

Can anyone recommend a (preferably free) tool for scanning for attached USB devices in a Windows environment? This is for development purposes only. I have a USB peripheral that I know works when it is attached to my system, but I'm having trouble finding it in the Device Manager. I would like to be able to scan for it specifically be...

WCF discovery: Interface not found exception

I'm trying to use .net 4's discovery in WCF. But no matter what I do, I'm getting this not very useful exception: System.ArgumentException crossed a native/managed boundary Message=Interface not found. Source=mscorlib StackTrace: at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.VerifyInterfaceIsImplemented(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, RuntimeType...

UPnP announce goes out, but device is not discovered.

i am writing code for a UPnP device to announce itself. i have no interest in it being able to discover other UPnP devices on the network. i am sending out the following messages (taken from wireshark) NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\n NT: upnp:rootdevice\r\n USN: uuid:0000-1111-2222-3333::upnp:rootdevice\r\n NTS: ssdp:alive\r\n LOCATION: http:/...

How to achieve service discovery like "Printer Discover" on android?

Hi, I would like to know about the 'service discovery' mechanisms supported by android - particularly, Printer Discovery. Does android provide such a discovery option? example : support for snmp broadcast? I tried out an application "PrinterShare" link : where Printer Discovery is achieved thro...