
Need a distributed key-value lookup system

I need a way to do key-value lookups across (potentially) hundreds of GB of data. Ideally something based on a distributed hashtable, that works nicely with Java. It should be fault-tolerant, and open source. The store should be persistent, but would ideally cache data in memory to speed things up. It should be able to support concur...

What scalability problems have you solved using a NoSQL data store?

NoSQL refers to non-relational data stores that break with the history of relational databases and ACID guarantees. Popular open source NoSQL data stores include: Cassandra (tabular, written in Java, used by Cisco WebEx, Digg, Facebook, IBM, Mahalo, Rackspace, Reddit and Twitter) CouchDB (document, written in Erlang, used by BBC and En...

What alternatives do I have if I want a distributed multi-master database?

I will build a system where I want to reduce single-point-of-failures, and I need a database. Is there any (free) relational database systems that can handle multi-master setups good (i.e where it is easy to add and remove nodes) or is it better to go with a NoSQL-database? As what I have understood, a key-value store will handle this b...

Which database for a web crawler, and how do I use MySQL in a distributed environment?

Which database engine should I use for a web crawler, InnoDB or MYiSAM? I have two PC's, each with 1TB hard drives. If one fills up, I'd like for it to save to the other PC automatically, but reads should go to the correct PC; how do I do that? ...

Looking for distributed, in-memory Graph DB

Is there a database which will satisfy all (or at least most) of this requirements? Graph oriented - optimized for storing graphs and traversal(e.g HyperGraphDB, Neo4j) Running in memory, but having a persisted storage (e.g. Redis) Distributed (e.g. membase) Had .NET adapter (TCP/IP, not HTTP REST) Or am I asking too much? Thanks in...

What would you reccomend to read to a person who is going to write his own DB?

Since there are no answers to my previous question. I'm really thinking to implement a custom DB which will satisfy my requirements. Yes I know, sounds crazy. But what books, articles and etc. would you recommend to read? If it does matter the requirements for my DB are following Graph oriented - optimized for storing graphs and ...