
How do I prevent fixtures from conflicting with django post_save signal code?

In my application, I want to create entries in certain tables when a new user signs up. For instance, I want to create a userprofile which will then reference their company and some other records for them. I implemented this with a post_save signal: def callback_create_profile(sender, **kwargs): # check if we are creating a new User...

django-signals vs triggers?

I read about django signals (, but as far as I understand, signals are never converted into literal SQL triggers ( If I'm correct that signals and triggers are different, then which one is better and in what ways? What's the best practice...

How *not* to run Django code on syncdb

Hello, I have some server startup code that is lying in the "" of one of my Django apps. I need to run that code on server startup time. The problem is, that code issues a SQL query, which prevents me from running syncdb with psycopg2 (it breaks the transaction, and tables are not created.) Putting the code in a middleware an...

Attaching row-level signals in django?

I have two models, a definition: class Indicator(TimestampedModel): some_definition_data = models.IntegerField() and an instance: class IndicatorInstance(TimestampedModel): indicator = models.ForeignKey(Indicator) some_instance_data = models.TextField() I want to attach event code (signals) to Indicator definitions. I s...

django-paypal setup for paypal web site pro (wpp) signal issues

I'm using dcramer's fork of django-paypal and I've been successful in setting it up until now. I tried to connect '' to a listener I wrote but it sends the signal multiple times which is causing errors in my application. I've tried adding the 'dispatch_uid' to my connect statement but it still sen...

Django notification on comment submission

I am making use of Django's contrib.comments and want to know the following. Are there any utils or app out there that can be plugged into an app that sends you a notification when a comment is posted on an item? I haven't really worked with signals that much, so please be a little bit descriptive. This is what I came up with. from d...

Django notification comment get owner

I am looking at accessing the user who owns the content_type of a posted comment Currently I can access the user who posts, the comment, however I would like to notify the person who owns the item... I tried doing user = comment.content_type.user but I get an error. In my main file As soon as I change that to user = reque...

Django Signals in celery

I have a task that runs in a celerybeat instance. When that talk is executed, it sometimes modifies a model object, which should fire off a post/pre_save signal, but it doesn't. The signal is not happening. I imagine this is due to django's signals being synchronous while celery is doing it's thing on a different server in a different th...