
Django South problem

Hello I have an already existing app with alot of database entries. class Foo(models.Model): value = models.TextField(u"Value") For this I do this: python schemamigration myapp --initial python migrate myapp I change the model to such: class Foo(models.Model): value = models.TextField(u"Value") liv...

How do i migrate a model containing an ImageField from django-imagekit using django-south?

I find this documentation extremely confusing: If someone could walk me through this or at least give a full example, I would be very grateful. ...

Django not finding apps in virtualenv when using syncdb

My problem is in getting syncdb to run within a virtualenv. It was working fine at one point, but seems to have broken sometime around when I installed South and updated pip and distribute. Anyways, when the virtualenv is activated, I can import apps fine within the interactive interpreter. Running through mod_wsgi, the apps ...

Django South removes foreign key REFERENCES from SQLite3 schema. Why? Is it a problem?

When using syncdb the following schema is created: CREATE TABLE "MyApp_supervisor" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "supervisor_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "MyApp_employee" ("id"), "section_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "MyApp_section" ("id") ); When using migrate, it is changed to: CREATE TABLE "MyApp_superviso...

Configuring django south with PostgreSQL

I can't get my site running with south. I've successfully installed south, and I can 'import south' successfully. ./ shell >>> import south >>> However, once I add 'south' to INSTALLED_APPS, and run ./ syncdb (to complete the installation), I get the following error: There is no South database module 'south.db.d...

South's syncdb/migrate creates pages of output?

I'm working a small, personal Django project and I've added South (latest mercurial as of 10/9/10) to my project. However, whenever I run "./ syncdb" or "./ migrate " I get about 13 pages (40 lines each) of output solely regarding 'initial_data' files not being found. I don't have any initial_data nor do I really want ...

Django South migration error "contains null values" with null=True field

When adding a field for easy-thumbnails to a model easy_thumbnail = ThumbnailerImageField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Easy_Thumbnails"), upload_to="easy_thumbnails", resize_source=dict(size=(100, 100), crop="smart"), ) When executing ./ schemamigration test --auto, South produces the following migratio...

Django: South-friendly image with thumbnails field

Currently I'm using an old and patched version of sorl.thumbnail, which kind of works, but I'm afraid of touching it any further. I'm looking around for a proven, working with django 1.2, south-compatible, sorl.thumbnail-like-configurable (ie. multiple thumbnails for a single image) ImageWithThumbnailsField. Any recommendations? edit: b...

Adding South to Django project, development & production

Adding South to an existing Django project. I have it installed on both the development machine and the "production" server. I've done the following on the development machine, then: added South app to, python syncdb python convert_to_south myproject.myapp then changed some models, then python manage...

Version controlled South migrations in virtualenv

I have a Django site placed in folder site/. It's under version control. I use South for schema and data migrations for my applications. Site-specific applications are under folder site/ so they are all version-controlled along with their migrations. I manage a virtualenv to keep third party components dry and safe. I install package...