
jQuery countup timer not working properly

I'm trying to get a countup timer against some timed entries in my app using this jQuery plugin, but it seems the implementation I have works on only Opera...all other browsers give me NaN:NaN:NaN where the timer should be. I've used this code: {% for entry in today %} <tr> <td>{{ entry.description }}</td> <td>{{ entry.start_ti...

Is it possible for a Django template to test for existence of a row in a table without writing a custom tag/filter?

I have the following models: class Post(models.Model): message = models.TextField() (etc.) class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True) (etc.) class PostFollow(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='follower_set') follower = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, rel...

Append Django template tag in jquery

<script> $("#tableview").css({'display' : block}); $("#tableview").append('{{html}}'); or $("#tableview").html('{{html}}'); </script> <div id="tableview" style="display:none;"></div> the {{html}} i.e, generated on the server gets displayed which is,<div id=""newdiv">contetssdddddddd</div>.This is displayed on the UI ...

Decode values of a tuple in django template

if(len(f1) > 0): for qs in profile_map: up = Profile.objects.get( t_name = up.first_name + up.last_name t_arr.append((,emp_name)) response_dictionary.update({'tarr':t_arr}) render_to_response('project/profile_table.html',context_instance=RequestContext(request,{'response_dict...

CSS Templating system for Django / Python?

I'm wondering if there is anything like Django's HTML templating system, for for CSS.. my searches on this aren't turning up anything of use. I am aware of things like SASS and CleverCSS but, as far as I can tell, these still don't solve my issue as I want to dynamically generate a CSS file based on certain conditions, so that a differen...

Indent, pretty-print code including Django template tags, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

In dealing with a bunch of crufty Django template files, I want to indent them. The files contain: HTML, the bulk of the file. Maybe a pre tag or two. JavaScript, inside script tags. CSS inside the style tags Django template directives inside {% ... %} pairs. Surely there is a tool to do this. Most of the tools do silly things whe...

Django get_FIELD_display in a template question

Hi Guys, I am using the regroup feature of Django to group by "team", here is my code: {% regroup show_detail.cast_set.all by team as cast_list %} <ul> {% for cast in cast_list %} <li>{{ cast.grouper }} <ul> {% for item in cast.list %} <li>{{ }} </li> {% endfor %} ...

Django jQuery get sending logged in users data

Hi. I am trying to send my logged in users details along with this request, as I am making use of a if else endif statement on the requested page to render some buttons, ie "add a new item" My jQuery code looks as follows: $('.wall').click(function(){ $('#loading').show(); $.get(this.href, { request.user: request.user }, funct...

Django: Count objects in a particular month

I have this model: class Person(models.Model): city = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True) added_date = models.DateField( I want to create a template/view that has a table of months and the number of people added that month (ie, 5 in january, 10 in february, 8 in march, etc.). I have a similar ...

Abstract Django Application from "Project"

Hi All, I'm struggling to work out how best to do what I think I want to do - now it may be I don't have a correct understanding of what's best practice, so if not, feel free to howl at me etc. Basically, my question is, how do I abstract application functionality correctly, said functionality being found in an application that is part...

How to make required field error message don't show up for first time in Django

First time I render a form I don't want the required error message to show up. Although if the field is left empty, it should prompt when submitting. I know I can set an specific message and set it empty. But this way it never shows up: error_messages = {'required':''} I'm using a decorator to change label_tag behavior in BoundField,...

assign unique ID to django comments form

I am building a similar wall feature to what facebook has, comments etc. I am making use of django's comments framework and jquery to post and get on success, and I am looking at a way of extracting the the hidden id_object_pk's value and using that also as the forms id Your normal form is rendered in the following way. <form action="...

Equal row lengths in a table

I have a table made of of several records, with the rows having different number of records per row. What I'd like to have is for the rows with less records, I want to have them being equal in length to the longest row. Currently what I have comes out like below: I've done this using this bit of code: <table> {% for...

Date formatting in Django templates

I am trying to use the |date filter and running into some problems. Here is the code that outputs an unformatted way: {% for the_date in event.date_set.all %} <p>{{ the_date }}</p> {% endfor %} this outputs <p>2010-10-31</p> <p>2010-12-01</p> ...etc When I change the code to {% for the_date in event.date_set.all %} <p>{{ the_...

Django templates split text on fullstop

Using django templates I would like to split a block of text on the first fullstop. I would then like to give the first sentence a class of highlight and then the rest of the text a class of normal. how would i do this? e.g. (I know this doesn't work) text = Aliquam pretium vestibulum nibh, vel molestie velit varius nec Curabitur non n...

what files in django are not necessary for using only templates?

hi, I use django templates 1.2 in my GAE app. I remember default templates in GAE were some kind of old version (0.96 or smth) and I moved to the new one. The question is - what files and directories I can delete from django folder to minimize its size - I need only templates. ...

Django jQuery post then reload - too many times

I have a bit of a problem. I have ten forms in my app similar to facebooks commenting forms. I have successfully managed to pass the form for processing by making use of jQuery's $.ajax function. All of this works fine, but for some reason the app sends 10 post signals and then reloads ten times, causing the user to experience having ...

easy question about managing static content in django

Hi, I have a simple website in django where the content is static. Where i use templates like "AboutUs.html" ,"OurServices.html" or "contact.html".. now i want to use the django admin so anyone could change the content for those pages using a WYSIWYG editor (cause the people who will change this dont know html).. i wanted to create a cl...

Django templating engine and external js files

I'm writing a Google app engine app and obviously the default web app framework is a subset of Django. As such I'm using it's templating engine. My question is if I have say the following code: template_values = { 'first':first, 'second':second, } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html') self.resp...

How to display milliseconds instead of microseconds with Django

In Django template language I can display a time with microseconds using : {{ player.time_to_display|time:"i:s:u" }} I would like to display only milliseconds instead of the full microsecond value. I am not able to locate a way to do that in the documentation, is there a simple mean to do that ? ...